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  • Advice for BO stats

    10. 27. 2005 03:59

After doing some browsing in the trade and barter forums, I decided to take some time and
go through some new crew to see if I can find some good stats. I didn't pay attention
when I was picking my orignal crew (heck I didn't even know what the stats were for at the
time, and I figured it's a good idea to get some good ones before my level gets too high.

So anyways, I got two sailors that could be good potential BO's.

One is 14/11 and the other is 15/9 (potentiality, restore).

I've heard that the BO's restore values affects the soft defense of the ship and that the
potientiality affects shell marking range.

Which would be a better BO?

  • Re : Advice for BO stats

    10. 30. 2005 00:09

the 15.

Operating skill is much more important than restore. Just get a restorer if you're that
desperate -.-

  • Re : Advice for BO stats

    10. 28. 2005 20:09

Either of those sailors would be good as a BO. The +15 being the best. I have 4 BO's, all
of them were +14 potential sailors. The +15 is quite rare. I have only ever rolled one.

  • Re : Advice for BO stats

    10. 28. 2005 10:49

If u noticed your first 4 sailors had +14 plus at lvl 1, now it is very hard when
creating new sailors to get this stat, but it is possible, i done it, so when theseguys
get turned into BO's they are +16 Pot.

  • Re : Advice for BO stats

    10. 27. 2005 19:40

Think you'd probably do better with the 15 BO if you're going for BB. The extra point
per level will increase sight range as well as lengthen your aiming lines. Your 14 is
still pretty good though.

  • Re : Advice for BO stats

    10. 27. 2005 07:24
