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U.S Navy


  • So now I need to know

    10. 27. 2005 04:18

I have seen alot of people giving suggestions about the NH path and the Brook
path. But no conclusion has been made. Can I please know which one to choose? I
need input. I am level 40 but still in a ddx. People say NH is good in the line of bbs
but they say also that the Brook is Better in a fight than a NH. Input greatly and
urgently needed. Need help. All suggestions are greatly appreciated. And if possible
Team NF can help. Thanks.

  • Re : So now I need to know

    10. 27. 2005 08:10

When you first get into the Brooklyn and Northampton the Brooklyn out powers the
Northampton, the Brooklyn mounts 5 triple 6" guns and the Northampton mounts 3
dual 8" guns. The dual 8" guns have terrible spread and are hard to hit anything at
extreme range. At level 40 you can mount the triple 8" 55 cal on the Northampton
which is a very nice gun, decent grouping, range and very powerfull shells, with
these guns the Northampton becomes more powerfull.

The Cleveland is a nice upgrade from the Brooklyn while it has one less main gun
mount and is slightly less powerfull it can mount the dual 3" 70 guns in its
secondaries. Which means it has the most effective US AA guns and can last longer
in a battle, my highest attack in a game is in my Clevelnd not my Brooklyn.

The Baltimore is like the Northampton at first a little weak untill your gunners level
up a bit and can effectively use the guns it can mount, then it becomes one of the
deadliest and most balanced CA's in game.

The Portland is a nice upgrade fromn the Northampton but you should wait for the
New Orleans.

The New Orleans is argueably the best CA in the US line. It has slightly smaller main
gun mounts than the Baltimore but can mount almost all of the same guns with less
ammo as the Baltimore. It can not mount the triple 8" 55 MK 16L and can mount
everything else with four less binds, but it has more displacement and can load more

I can not say anything about the BB's cause I have not leveled that high yet and I
have not looked at their stat to compare them.

If you look at my BIO you will see that I have a B/O in both paths.