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  • d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 13:38

im getting mixed replies from ppl saying how rubbish or good this ship is im at the
point of gettign z99..BUT im wondering d38 is it realy tht bad cos it seems like it coul
dhave potential,

can i have some suggestions about wht is better to get now the z99 or go 4 the old
d38...(is the d38 going out of fasion cos z99 was introduced not so long ago)??

any good advise is welcomed....( dotn just say z99 best dd ever) back up ur


  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 28. 2005 04:46

Killing Opro with a spaehkreuzer is easy as killing a nelson with a NDD... that story
smells bullshit IMO.

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 28. 2005 01:23

I took the SP before the Z99 was released, I got them double 5.90" guns, wich
kinda suck, but I had the double 5 barrel torp-launchers, everyone was telling me:
"wait for 6.75" and cause destruction" so I grinded to lvl 32, doing most dammage
with torps, and then I took the good guns, a few days after that, the z99 was
released, and a week or so after that (I could already buy the Kberg at that point
but didn't have enough money to do so) the Z99 was released to my BO, so I sold
my SP, and noticed I had 225.000 credits, so I skipped the Z99 and went straight for
the Kberg.
In short: "by the time you can buy proper guns for your SP38, you can already buy a
far better ship, like the Z99 or the Kberg.
you can take it as a fill-up for the gap between Z1 and Z99, but why bother
spending 100.000 credits.

o, and I got out of sync yesterday, I killed a CA, he didn't react, so I thought he was
out of ammo or something, so I went for the next ship, when they didn't shoot me
too, I started thinking something was wrong. When they shot the last of my
teammates they all left the battlefield, and I won, getting XP and credits.
I feel kinda like a cheater now =(

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 23:09

imho the ONLY good point of D38 was that it could fit 8 crew slots, so if you wanted
to level up more crew later it would help.

however, i believe exp rate in Z99 is faster even with only 7 slots.

so...D38....F that! :-P

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 20:50

i dont like d38 as well.. i better choose z52 :)

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 19:26

It was good once upon a time before....the only dd that could have 6.75" duall guns

NOW???? well i use it in convoy rooms
ship sucks nobody bothers wich team i am since the ship sucks:P
and i can have 8 sailor slots
you can have 8 or more with cl or ca but everybody gets to tell you go b go a or stuff
like this....With d38 nobody gives a s**** about me if i am or not in game :lol

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 18:52

When one of you is out of sync it can also mean that he sees you in another
posistion (or vice versa).

This happens pretty often, it looks funny to see ships shoot into nowhere while you
rape them...

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 18:40

it can beat z99s with less than 6.75s....but once they use 6.75s.....they are faster
and damage you more than you can in return.....

I still kept my D-38 with twin 5.9s though, because in BB vs all rooms it doesn't get
picked on like a Z99!!!

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 17:56

"I killed a O-pro 1 on 1 before"

keyword is "once"

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 17:55

i have the SPD38 right now, and compared to the z-line - Z31, Z46/52 it is
DESTRUCTION. i love it over those ships and my crew is only lvl22. i will get the z99

  • Re : d38 how REALY good is it

    10. 27. 2005 17:26

If he was out of synch or I was, Why were we shooting at each other? And even
told said, "I see you, prepare to die" When I got in his range, and I wasn't, and I
was able toget close enought to kill him, with my torps and guns, but wasn't fair, my
torps did very little damage.
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