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U.S Navy


  • Soft Defense

    10. 28. 2005 07:04

How do I tell what my "soft defense" is? I keep hearing about this and I think I
understand what it is, but where do I find it on my ship?

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 19:02

the high level bb's on this game have ridiculous repairers and restorers. their repair
number is as fast as my vcr counter when i fast forward it.

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 16:22

I don't think there's any absolute limit for any ability. If you read through the forums
you'll hear about devs with battleships that travel at 120 knots (using 10,000 veteran
engineers) and the like.

One of the members of Team NF had a battleship and took on ~30 DDs on the PoW server last
week. Obviously he was tap-tap-tapped to hell by a swarm of DDs that he allowed to close
in on him, but even though he was taken down to 20% health he was fully repaired by the
time he decided to quit toying and finished off the last DD. Obviously had similarly
extreme repair/restore sailors on board.

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 14:47

I have heard that the display maxes out at 900, but that the stats can go higher than that.

Of course, I think there are only 3 players who would come close to/past that - Airwind,
Kuikui, and one of the other Nelsons - brit ships have an advantage in that all sailors
get boosted repair/restore stats, AND their restorers/repairers are more effective

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 10:57

550 soft defence is normal to lv 70 and 750 is normal to lv 90

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 10:42

I'm thinking I read max soft defense was 900 (90%). Kind of makes sense to have
some limit since 100% would be a hard limit anyhow OR your ship would get
stronger from enemy weapons hitting it!

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 09:24

Nothing takes down your soft defense and you never lose it (unless you shuffle
contributing sailors off your ship). There is no max soft defense either -- no maximum for
ANY sailor ability, really.

  • Re : Soft Defense

    11. 03. 2005 03:53

is there a max amount of sd that u can get ? if so wat is it? all i know is that sd is
like armour except ap shells cant take down ur sd only he does that

  • Re : Soft Defense

    10. 28. 2005 18:01

LoL. I prefer to see my ship burning then sinking...

  • Re : Soft Defense

    10. 28. 2005 16:33

With no true repairers or restorers on board, my lvl 42 BO gives 12 soft defense (had a
base stat of +10 restore), a lvl 38 gunner gives an additional 4 (he has +1 restore) and a
third lvl 20, unjobbed sailor gives the last 2 for a total of 18 soft defense.

(training ship, if that wasn't obvious)

  • Re : Soft Defense

    10. 28. 2005 10:56

That I am not sure about (Since I don't remember what mine was)

I think ship type has something to do with it (But again not sure where that is)
Because several peeps changed from Guam to New Mex 1930 and had thier SD go

It also depends on what you have for support crew and thier level/ability

I do know you really start to notice it in the High 40s low 50s

Mine is around ~500 right now in the Guam (My support is all around lvl 65)
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