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U.S Navy


  • if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 28. 2005 19:14

you should start lvling pilots very early unless u want to spend too much money on

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    11. 03. 2005 03:39

well having ace fighter pilots before u get essex would be best so u might wanna
train ur pilots like 5-10 levels higher than ur bo.Right now i have a pilot with a base
of +12 an fighter god i cant wait till he eats some peoples planes

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 31. 2005 13:28

In the case of darkwinter, he means putting the pilots on the support slots. U can put sailors of other
nationalities on ur support slots, but not above decks. Kind of like internship.

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 31. 2005 11:31

how early?

cause i got a lvl 27 scouter sitting around with my DDX project right now doing nothing
(highest BO is lvl 28)

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 30. 2005 02:53

darkwinter wad do u mean?
if slow xp mean slow lvl ma
and if i do put pilots on TW will they lvl faster than than pilots on Somers DDX etc

wait.. darkwinter US doesnt hav TW and if i want US pilots how to put em in the
mostly Jap TW?

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 29. 2005 17:06

Yup. Or just place them in TW and u'll see them rise in lvl quickly but exp slowly...
LoL. Depends on what u wish to see...

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 29. 2005 16:28

you see as you change the special forces to a pilot or pilot to a bomber the abililty it
gains each level is higher meaning better bombing or scouting or w/e. It is worth the
less xp u get for changing it

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 29. 2005 16:25

Put the pilots in the support positions off the side of the ship or in an unused torp
launcher slot. They'll still gain XP even though they serve no useful purpose.

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 29. 2005 07:11

u mean train pilots on 1 ship
or hav a main ship and an additional one for training pilots
if its the 1st case, how will u maximise ur fighting capabilites wif pilots manning guns
pilots will like not hav a high reload and accuracy so u will like get pwned very often

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 29. 2005 05:32

Well, US dive bomber comes at level 53 and the first US CV comes at level 50, so I suppose
you want to start training your pilots before your BO? :)

More seriously, with torp bombers first selectable at level 42 you would theoretically
need to start training them when your BO is about level 42 (The cumulative XP difference
between level 50 and 42 is 363980 points, which is coincidentally equivalent with the
376370 XP points needed to get to level 42)

  • Re : if going cv track train pilots very early

    10. 28. 2005 19:56

already have pilot in training