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  • BEst

    10. 30. 2005 00:32

what the best German ship?"
Bismarck? maybey Schonhorst? i know those only 2
they actually existed,bismarck sunk by britisch sub and schonhorst ambused by de
English navy.

  • Re : BEst

    10. 30. 2005 10:48

other story tells that they left german sailors as the revenge for hood :P

  • Re : BEst

    10. 30. 2005 00:44

Best German ship is the H44, from what Chinese converts tell us.

The Bismarck was sunk either by it's own crew or by British surface ships using
torpedos. Not a sub. There was a sub near the Bismarck after it sank, but it was
German. The British were afraid of the sub sinking their ships so they left most of
the Bismarck's survivors to fend for themselves in the sea. The sub did manage to
pick up some sailors but a sub is only so most of the Bismark's crew died.