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  • Crew for a carrier...

    10. 30. 2005 17:38

Well, i'm still far from the carrier but i'm wondering how does it work. I have 5 pilots,
and soon some of them will be leveling to be fighters or bombers.
My question is: how do carriers work, crew wise?

I mean, how many pilots do you need per type, do you need torp bombers or can you equip
only dive bombers, do you need support troops...

Aircraft space can be shared by the various aircrafts?

Thanks in advance for the replies!

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    11. 01. 2005 16:17


You have some valid points. My focus in Navyfield is gunning, so planes are merely a
distraction to me. I can't stand how distracting my scout plane is, so I'm probably going
to mothball him, and sell him later on. But I guess it makes sense to train up a scout
for a CV.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    11. 01. 2005 11:08

Talking with some people, it's a general advice that Seydlitz should have 2 db, 2
fighters, 1 scout and 1 tb.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    11. 01. 2005 10:42

@ PistolPete

Dont totally give up on scouts yet, you are right about fighters doing more damage,
but the point of having a scout is for Recon, fighters are good in everything EXCEPT
sight range, its very very small, I mean an FF has bigger sight ranges than a fighter

Scouts can help you find that annoying CV in the shadows without having your
bomber force wasting fuel looking all over the place.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    11. 01. 2005 06:46

I wasnt actually suggesting 5 fighters I was explaining plane space. You will find
that the fighters are not as effective as you think they should be. Unless CV groups
have mass amounts of fighters over their ships most bombers will get through to
bomb their targets with very few losses.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    10. 31. 2005 15:06

Check Stevepl answer to my qust. "zeyidlits and graf sep. crew set up" on page 2.
Its says evryting.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    10. 31. 2005 14:17

well im getting 3 fighters and 3 DBs for my german CV crew this is purely because
people with 2 fighter pilots tend to get overwhelmed by DB rushes whereas with 3 or
4 fighters it is almost impossible for them to do it

each pilot can fly 1 flight of planes which on a sedlitz can be up to 7 planes however
due to the fact you dont get that many planes, generally you will launch a group of 4
and a group of 3 at the same time. With enough pilots you can put your entire plane
force in the air at the same time however you can only ready 7 planes on the deck at
one time. And no you dont need torpbombers or scouts torbbombers are for greater
XP and scouts are purely if you dont trust your team to provide any form of scouting

Number of planes of each type is dependent on what you are fighting on bismark
where there is alot of CV's you will probably want 10dbs 11 fighters or even 15
fighters and 7 DB's however on the newer server with lower numbers of CV's you can
run with the 5 fighters suggested by steveppl

Also you can only load a certain amount of bombs dictated by armament space
however for most CV's its like 250 - 500+ bombs so hardly a problem

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    10. 31. 2005 13:19

I would strongly advise that you AVOID getting scouts, if you're going the CV routes.
Scouts only advantage over fighters is that they can stay in the air longer, and they can
be readied for flight faster. Fighters can do more damage, have better armor, can
withstand more damage, and are faster than scouts. Also, the KM has some of the best
fighters out there.

I know that the KM has the best dive bombers. I'm going the cl/ca/bb route, but if I was
planning to use CV's, I might think about creating a pair of fighters, and making the rest
dive bombers. But that's just me, and I won't go that route.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    10. 31. 2005 06:51

So, if i have 6 pilots, i will be able to put 6 planes in the sky or 6 different
formations? I haven't got this.
If i have 2 dive bombers, will i be able to put them both in the sky at the same time? Or
i will have one formation of 2 planes?
Thanks for the explanation!

EDIT oh ok i hadn't seen one sentence you wrote. You can have 2 pilots and those will be
2 different formations.

Anyway, should i do 2 fighters, 2 dive bombers, 1 scout and 1 torp bomber? Or what do you

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    10. 31. 2005 06:47

On the Seydiltz you have spots for 9 sailors.

One is for the BO, 2 are for the Guns which can be dual purpose or dedicated AA

That leaves 6 spots for pilots. I did a rather lengthy explanation in a thread called
Seydiltz and Graf Zep Pilot Setup it was on page 2 of this forum. Have a look at it as
it explains in far more detail the uses and advantages of each pilot style.

Couple of things though

Seydiltz has a plane space of 1900, this means you could a variety of aircraft that
total 1900 plane space. Stukas are 100 plane space each therefore you could have
19 stukas only or if you went with 15 (15 x 100 = 1500) you would have 400 plane
space available to fill with 5 fighters which are 80 plane space each (5 x 80 = 400)
1500 for the Stukas and 400 for the fighters = 1900 so you would not be able to
carry any other plane types in that configuration. But you go with 14 stukas which
would free up 100 plane space and add 2 scouts at 40 each.

The fighters convert from scout at level 40, the dive bombers convert from scout at
level 46 and the torp bombers convert from scout at level 48. Once you have
converted your scout to one of those 3 configurations that is their final choice or in
other words once a fighter always a fighter. You cant change them after that to
another choice so choose your bombers and fighters carefully.

As for support you really dont have enough room in the first 2 CV choices to carry
additional sailors for support crews.

Hope this helps, if you have any other questions please post here.

  • Re : Crew for a carrier...

    10. 30. 2005 18:17

LOL Panda, i'm doing exactly the same. Anyway, i got shitloads of pilots (5 and soon 6)
but dunno if i have too many for what i need.
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