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  • Help!-I Don't know what to do anymore.

    10. 31. 2005 16:24

Recently I've been trying to make a IJN Ship line. Since I've been wondering if my KM
sailors would keep up with the ever demanding stats requirement from the higher lvl
guns. I checked my base gunners stats and they only came out ot be like 9/10 and
10/9.... reason for this was my first group of sailors i've started with. They have
about 200 exp/10 vets on each. Almost a full ability bar, like 85% was 90% but my
vet train failed and i lost like 20 exp on each, about rough number, but the vet
number has been withered down considerably by loses. I dont know why, but i see
my gunners at nothign being effective. I heard everyones like 11/10,11/11 and
etc... but i think in the end stats don't really play that much of an important role.
More on your abilities to shoot. But anyways......

Fight now my BO is like 37, using an Mpro and z99 back and forth.

Do you guys think i should continue on my KM line? Their not that bad, but what do
you guys think? What should i do?

  • Re : Help!-I Don't know what to do anymore.

    10. 31. 2005 18:15

Yea dev god, there is the long path of MWing like crazy and making a lot of vets
would somewhat compensate for my not so perfect gunners. Wow...then i'm not the
only one other there with this problem. Yea i was thinking of maybe making two new
gunners with like 11/11 stats. But that would take awhile, just as long as starting

So you think i should just stick with it and bite the dust, train more vets when i can
spare? Has anyone had a SUCCESSFUL vet train? I heard its lower then before....

  • Re : Help!-I Don't know what to do anymore.

    10. 31. 2005 17:24

depends how much time u whant to spend getting vets >:) It would suck to start all
over u know that right and second thing is your bo would be higher lvl then ur
gunners by alot this is a bad idea so might as well train another bo too lol Welcome
to the Grind >:) AGAIN!! My gunners are abt the same as yours if not worse 9 9, 9 8
but there lvl 55 so intill i get my other 11 11 guners up I will use these guys when im
not on my CV after all they bring in money and who know I'll probaly sell them when
they get to lvl 63 LOL

  • Re : Help!-I Don't know what to do anymore.

    10. 31. 2005 17:11

Yea.... i know it still boils down to me in the end, but do you think my 9/10 and 10/9
gunners will suvive as I got to CA or BB stages?

  • Re : Help!-I Don't know what to do anymore.

    10. 31. 2005 17:01

Belive it or not One point does make a diffrence LVL 52 1stRestorer with 27 Restore
1030 ability LVL 50 2ndRestorer with 23 Restore 899 add two lvls 945 Base stat of
the two where 11(lvl 52) and 10 (lvl 50) Difrence of 85 points and there only arnd lvl
50 no if u recaculate for lvl 80 it will even be more. Not only the ability of your sailors
but the amount of experts vets plays a very big role. You could be 100% perfect in
shooting but if your guys are crap your spread will be crap your reload will be crap
and being dead on will only give u a slight advantage. If u like KM then stick with it
Depending wich way you whant to go BB then CV or CV then BB. About your guners
you probaly do need more vets wich means u will have to spend some experts I
dont recomend trying for vets more then twice Of corse if your going to sit there a
mission whore then by all means, I have heard of guys who mission whore get 300
experts burn them all try for vets and then mission whore back to 300 experts and
do it all over again. Note taken this is very boring time consuming very slow exp and
u lose money. Its give and take Only u can decide what u whant and what ur willing
to do to get what u whant

  • Re : Help!-I Don't know what to do anymore.

    10. 31. 2005 16:41

I know. you give me your Gunners(of course for a cheap price *Still got to pay*) and
go to IJN LOL!