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  • DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    10. 31. 2005 19:12

I'm currently in a DDX and I want to go for a CV. I'm told I should skip the North
Hampton. Should I also skip the Atlanta (I know it's before the NH in the ship tree)?
Or should Get get the Atlanta and skip the NH? Thanks.

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    11. 02. 2005 07:56

Why is the Oakland so much more powerful than the Atlanta? Doesn't it have less
gun slots?

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    11. 01. 2005 03:00

Not all CA's, but it is incredibly deadly.

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    11. 01. 2005 00:49

Oakland, firepowerwise, is the most deadly CL in the game. It has pretty good range with dual 5
54 L w/APC, and with a skilled player at the helm can take out 4 stripe BB's. It can also own CA.

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    11. 01. 2005 00:49

Oakland, firepowerwise, is the most deadly CL in the game. It has pretty good range with dual 5
54 L w/APC, and with a skilled player at the helm can take out 4 stripe BB's. It can also own CA.

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    11. 01. 2005 00:39

If you want my advice, go with the Atlanta....Once you get used to the gun arcs (the
area as to where you can train your guns) and you learn your angles you can deal
out a lot of damage in a very short time. Use the 5/54s on the Atlanta in all welcome
& CL/DD games and load on the dual 6 inch Ds with extra armor for CL vs DDs. The
Atlanta can be a dang good ship, in fact my record attack for any game except for
Op. Con. was when I used my Atlanta, got over 44K attack in an All Welcome game.
Even in my N.O. I have yet to break 30K attack for a single game. In Op. Con. again
in the Atlanta I got over 250K attack.

Now as far as the N.H., SKIP IT... After grinding in that ship from lvl 38-46 I will never
advise someone to play in it... As I have told many others, this is a saying I came up
when in the N.H..... Outranged by all and feared by none.... I swear if you can put a
bumper sticker on your ship that would suite the N.H. perfectly. The ship costs 661K
I think but I struggled to get 10K attack per game in it... It is good for getting used
to the bigger, longer reloading & farther shooting guns and a good ship to learn
how to properly use your scouts for your and the teams advantage. But if you were
to duke it out Vs any other CA and even some CL2s you will almost always be the
one sunk. So my advise, dont even look at the N.H. without thinking about it first.

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    10. 31. 2005 22:00

Get an Oak and high angle some people. The best thing about the oak at levels 38-
46 (NH levels) is that it can carry full crews in every slot unlike the DDX which cannot
(well with 5/54Ds, ive never tried with 6"/53s, but i dont think you could). The full
crew of 3 ( or 4 like me) supports plus gunners and BO will be very helpful down the

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    10. 31. 2005 19:55

If I had it to do over I would have taken my first BO up the Brooklyn route and trained a
second, unjobbed sailor up the ladder until level 46, converted him to BO, and then bought
the New Orleans (or even straight to Bogue). You'll find that a nationalized yet unjobbed
sailor gains XP at a higher rate than any jobbed sailor.

'Cuz damn -- it's a long, long, long grind from DDX to New Orleans.

Atlantas are not all that effective ("all welcome" games) compared to the DDX -- and IMHO
they're just not that fun to captain. Then again they're not a big monetary penalty if you
want to play with one either -- you might lose about 50K in selling it, but that's no big
deal when you compare it to the NH's 600K+ price tag.

  • Re : DDX to New Orleans/Portland?

    10. 31. 2005 19:16

i think You'll have a hard time with the Portland/NO if you're not familiar with cruisers
in general. Skip the NH if you like, but not the Atlanta too. (Unless you know
cruisers already.)