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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Oyodo torp space

    11. 01. 2005 02:54

the oyodos capacity to carry torps has been nerfed for no reason now with my lvl 50
5 bind torps i can only carry 5 per laucnhers wtf

any opinons


  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 04. 2005 09:49

its a cheap way to learn how to play a cv... but nothing more

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 04. 2005 09:23

I was wondering is the oyodo worth getting or is it a crap CV???

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 03. 2005 10:48

put the torp bombs on first

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 03. 2005 08:44

The thing is, we were told that bombs were not meant to take up torp space on
your ship when they changed it before, nowit is back to the same old way and
Oyodos are losing some of thier self defense capabilities.

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 03. 2005 07:50

Some times this makes me think TNF have some hidden agenda on IJN.

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 02. 2005 19:47

yo there was this bug that made it so that you could have like 100/50 torp space nf
fixed it cuz so amny people were using it. (too bad i learned of this after it got fixed
and bought oyodo)

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 01. 2005 08:40

"you aren't SUPPOSED to be able to carry all those torps"

The Q class shouldn't be able to have 6" of side armor either. Realism is a loose
term when it come to this game. Gravypowders point is that they were nerfed and
that we weren't told. The Oyodo and the Agano and the Kuma are all lightly armed
CL/CVs - the three worst CLs/CVs in the game are all in the Jap navy. Stripping the
torps makes it even worse, yay........

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 01. 2005 07:13

It wasn't the torp space that was nerfed really, it's that bombs count against it now
(again?). So if you want to carry two salvos for your 5x launchers you're using 20
torp space (1 salvo free with the launcher, 2nd in torp space). Then you can carry
30 bombs (50 torp space).

Really, I don't have too much of a problem with this, since the Oyodo was really a
glorified seaplane tender, but it does reduce their effectiveness. Moreso for me
because I carry both dive and torp bombers (don't figure many people do), so I can
barely carry any shipboard torps if I want my bombers to have enough ammo.

(Notice the lack of torpedoes in the armament section? Hint hint... you aren't
SUPPOSED to be able to carry all those torps)

  • Re : Oyodo torp space

    11. 01. 2005 03:34

I noticed this too. Another quiet nerfing to IJN ships brought to you by TNF. Brooklyn
with 40TT is good because is USN, IJN are bad and need future nerfing. At the end we will
use FF because FF will be more powerful.