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U.S Navy


  • question for CV's

    11. 01. 2005 12:01

i have some questions, i'm almost at the atlanta, but later on i want to get the CV's
can i still have the brooklyn and what is the best way to get there?

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 02. 2005 12:30

ok, that's too bad :( but i think worth it, i'd love to get it :D

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 02. 2005 11:40

its good. it just takes forever to get to. lvl 50 for the 1st cv compared to lvl 30ish for
jap oyodo cv

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 02. 2005 07:59

ok thanks, i already got some lvl 20 sailors (like 3 or 4 of em) and one is 27, so i
could do that, thanks a lot :D but another question, is the CV line of US worth it? or
is it just a waste of money?

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 01. 2005 14:21

he lvls faster as a neut then a nation salior

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 01. 2005 14:16

I just want to make sure Vpower understands the ship tree -- You cannot have a Brooklyn
for a BO that you want to have a CV for. Don't confuse that fact. The ship tree diverges
at Brooklyn/Northampton and does not reconverge for the CVs -- any BO that uses the
Brooklyn CANNOT use a CV.

Lastly, you can set the *nationality* of the sailor that you want to use as a BO, however
you cannot give him the *job* of BO. Once you set his job as BO he can no longer "tag
along" on a ship, gaining XP, as no two BOs are allowed on the same ship (support
positions or otherwise).

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 01. 2005 13:32

shhh. dont listen to those tards vp. that guy is only half correct.

yes, u can still get brook and have ur cv. this is wat pretty much every1 does.

this is how u do it.

1)get brook.
2) make a neut (new salior)
3) dont change his nation until lvl 50

bam. done.

ull like this method much more since you 1) get both lines 2) will be able to afford cv,
since brook is such a money maker.

  • Re : question for CV's

    11. 01. 2005 13:18

You cannot have a Brooklyn for a BO that you want to have a CV for (just as you can't get
a Somers for a BO that has selected the Gearing).