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U.S Navy


  • Oakland or Atlanta?

    11. 02. 2005 09:59

Why is the Oakland so much better? Doesn't the Atlanta have more gun mounts?
Or is the Oakland better purely because of the durability?

  • Re : Oakland or Atlanta?

    11. 02. 2005 13:40

The only reason to keep Atlanta when you reach Oak level is to put AA gunes in all slots
and wing turrets. Thats it.

  • Re : Oakland or Atlanta?

    11. 02. 2005 13:24

yes. techincally you wont get your 52k back. but... remember, you gotta spend alittle to
make alittle. the oakland is defentitly worth the extra 52k

1) it has more health
2) more room for armor
3) more binds of the dual 5'' 54 ammo. so now you can ha or AA
4) the bigger the ship ur in the more bonus cash you get after each round, thus enabling
you to make more money then the atlanta

and you ask about losing a "turret". well the wing turrets on the atlanta have very little
use. the have very little firing arcs, so you can only fire 7 guns at a time with atlanta.
which sounds great in theory, but they are so heavy that you will have very little room
for armor. and in this stage of the game, u will want armor, since every1 is a tw and
theres alot of dbs running around.

trust me, with the oak upgrade, youll make ur 52k back in no time, where as if u didnt
upgrade, it mite take you longer to make cash in the long run.

also, another nice side note to upgrade. when you get jeanu2 lvl, you can upgrade to that
for 52k, then when you hit oak, you can upgrade to that for free.

if it wasnt for the free upgrade from j2 to oak the j2 would be completly useless. but at
least its fun to try out.

that reminds me, another side note to atlanta owners. if you want to go back to atlanta
FROM oak or j2, you will lose ur 52k. its only free to switch between J2 and OAK. kk have fun.

  • Re : Oakland or Atlanta?

    11. 02. 2005 13:16

but you will lose all the money for the reload for more dp, gun space (?!) and less guns

  • Re : Oakland or Atlanta?

    11. 02. 2005 10:43

oakland, have more dp and have more guns space, so you can get more ammo for
your guns.

  • Re : Oakland or Atlanta?

    11. 02. 2005 10:06

Oakland has more life (500) than Atlanta