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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 08:45

Hi guys. I am new to these forums as well as the game.

I need some help with my Fubuki, my BO is level 24 and I have two level 24 torpers and one
level 24 gunner. On the advice of my friend (errorprone) I sold my 5" duel guns and stuck
with the torps. Before that I would get 10k exp per game from the guns and if I was lucky
I would get 1-2k exp by torps. Now that I do not have guns I am starting to lose exp and

Errorprone told me once I got the 50k credits and exp the he would give another Jap sailor
to make another B with to go down the gunship line.

What should I do? Sell the torps and stay with guns, and when I get the 50k credits and
exp take the sailor and go down the gun ship line? Or stay with the torps in hope that I
start getting better with them?


I also read the post on how to use a Fubuik correctly.

I also posted this in the tips forum.

Changed BR to BO and took out some unnecessary words.

  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 08. 2005 10:01

I recently bought a Q class and I trounce the Kuma-kai and Kitas. I've played three
games this weekend where it was DD v CL and I rush the Kuma-Kai and Kita and
they don't fire their torps at me (don't know why, small ship probably). Normally
these ships don't carry any guns and I just sat on top of them and sank them.
Wicked-high Attack and XP!!!

I still have my Fubi and Aki and Agano, but the Brit guns and armor kick serious
butt! I carry 12 x 4" guns and 6.5" of side armor!!! Hell, at close to medium ranges
I sink my share of Z99s with her - how many Jap ships or any other ships can say
that? And don't get me started on how much better the CLs and CAs are on the Brit
line than the Jap line in this game

When you play a game where your main concern is running out of shells (3 binds fit
per gun) that tells you that the ship is Tenatious with a capital T.

When this thing goes retail I am going Brit - although I loved my Jap ships.

  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 22:14

I would Stay with the torps....Cause down the fubu ship line all the IS are TW's such
as kita-kami....

  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 19:34

depending if your all into making a jap gun ship, you should also think about other
nations like germans. as for your fubuki, u can always keep it and torp around for fun
once in a while.

  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 19:29

i actually laugh at a fubu without guns. i just wait till it fires off torps, and then kill it.
But later on the japs get those Cl torp whores and i defenitly DO NOT laught at

  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 14:04

buck man.....i used Torp line with my battleship bo...the akitsuki line is gun/cv. where
as fubuki line is torp ships at first then u get myoko(ca) then kongo (bb) and so on..

  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 11:36

Ok thank you for your help.

Here are some things that I would like to point out.

"1. You can't go down the gunship line with your BO now that he is committed to the Torp
line. This means if you want to go down the gun line you have to level up a new
sailor from scratch."
-You are right. This is why my friend is going to give me an unassigned jap sailor.

"2. You must be really bad at TWing. I make WAY more attack and XP with my Fubi's
torps than with guns."
-At level 24 with the quad torps? I freely admit that I am not good with torps.

"3. Sometimes I used to strip all my torps off the Fubi and go gun only. Other players
really laugh at a Fubi without torps, but you can do some serious damage with twin
5.5" guns."
-I was thinking about getting the 5.5"guns, should I and keep the torps?

"4. TWing is a lot easier when you get the type 93 launcher and torps. That's at
around level 30. Before then you just have to practice, practice, and practice"
-So you are saying to keep the torps? And not go down the gunship line?

"5. You started wrong from the beginning. You should have had a sailor on every
available slot - turn four into armament sailors, one into a BO and one into a support
sailor. You should have 7 sailors minimum leveling up when you play - not four!?!"
-I do have around 7 sailors on my Fubi. Although I do not think in that order.

"6. You are NOT getting 10K XP per game."
-Give or take a few thousand exp.


  • Re : What should i do with my Fubuki?

    11. 03. 2005 10:05

Hey Buck!

A few things:
1. You can't go down the gunline with your BO now that he is commited to the Torp
line. Which means if you want to go down the gun line you have to level up a new
sailor from scratch.

2. You must be really bad at TWing. I make WAY more attack and XP with my Fubi's
torps than with guns.

3. Sometimes I used to strip all my torps off the Fubi and go gun only. Other players
really laugh at a Fubi without torps, but you can do some serious damage with twin
5.5" guns.

4. TWing is alot easier when you get the type 93 launcher and torps. That's at
around level 30. Before then you just have to practise, practise, practise.

5. You started wrong from the beginning. You should have had a sailor on every
available slot - turn four into armament sailors, one into a BO and one into a support
sailor. You should have 7 sailors minimum leveling up when you play - not four!?!

6. You are NOT getting 10K XP per game.