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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Agano really that bad or just the user????

    11. 03. 2005 22:13

Listen I have an mogami but i just wanted to mess around so i bought
Tsukikei...then i saw Zerodeath in an agano....told him it sucks and he challanged
me to a battle.....I beat him fair and square....Does agano really suck that bad or
was it just Zerodeath??????????

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 28. 2005 17:36

the first set of 7.9 B is lvl 30

use them too, they do same dmg, cept slower reload and a tab bit less range

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 28. 2005 16:18

Sorry. To clarify this matter. My gunners are lvl. 32. I will use the good guns if i ever
reach lvl. 40 with these gunners.
And yes, agano is fun but do not expect to much of this ship. It got guns, torpedos and
planes. It is not first class in any of this trades but still fun.

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 28. 2005 14:45

you said they were lvl 40, use it

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 28. 2005 14:39

IF my crappy IJN newbee crew, including the gunners, ever reach lvl. 40, i will use the
good guns...
In the meantime i rolled a RN crew with good stats.

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 28. 2005 14:34

why 5.5L?

use 7.9C D wth the lvl 40 gunners >.<

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 28. 2005 14:14

Mhh, lvl. 40 gunners for my agano....
I am using 5,5 L guns on it. Agano can not stand any hits and it drives like a brick.
On the other side it has planes, guns and torpedos.
It is fun.

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 27. 2005 22:39

noobsailor ur saying the agano is good with lvl 40 guns eh? well shouldnt we be in a
mogami by then?

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 27. 2005 09:55

agano with 8

in CL1 rooms absolutly pwns every single CL out there

it even still outrange CL2s like brook and edin. mpro are food... mogami is the toughie

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 27. 2005 09:47

Agano running the 34 Triple 6.1 is not too shabby against DDs. I am slinging 9
shells vs 8 or 10. SO I am decent against DDs. the torps are great. Unsuspecting
DDs are easy Prey. Especially when they try to close on you. 1 Shoted a Z99.

  • Re : Agano really that bad or just the user????

    12. 25. 2005 06:48

An ode 2 the Agano:
In the hands of morons it kills
(your own teamates from a badly launched TW)
In the hands of pros it thrills
(noobs in Aganos(like me) who watch pros in em kill M pros)
Just dont let your Agano get grilled
(by the unfriendly looking Z99)

That basicaly sums it up...
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