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  • D38 and Z32

    11. 04. 2005 10:48

I dunno if its the style I play or the ships in question... BUT....The D38 is a hunk of
junk! lol Only 1 forward turret (granted u get bigger calibre than the Z1) and 2 rear
turrets!! The Z1 has 2FW + 3R turrets...smaller calibre but faster shooting...more
accurate and in the end doing more damage. Now the Question is....Why is the D38
so bad? (only 2 torp slots aswell) I see it has 7900 health but u end up just being a
punching bag! Does the D38 upgrade to something alot better?? For just over 100k
it definatly isint a good buy in my estimation. I guess thats why u dont see very
many D38s!?

Now for the Z32, still less gun turrets than the Z1 and same amount of torp
tubes..granted its only like 35k but it seems to perform better than the D38.

So i love my Z1 and im sticking to it, till something better comes around, ive tried
those other 2...didint like em..would love to hear some feedback on this. Anyone
remoded the D38 to something nice? or is it even able to b remodeled?

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 05. 2005 20:23

umm the Z99 will pwn all the KM dd and cls hands down.... trust me ive proven it
from both sides.....D38 cost to much and can only have 3 6.75" guns on it were the
Z99 can have 4. The Z99 is the MUCH better path and much easier

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 05. 2005 10:08

My gunners perhaps have to be level 40 before they get good accuracy with those
guns, I converted them to arms men at level 15 I never know much about the game
at the time and I sat in training area until level 15 with a neutral ship.

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 05. 2005 09:21

Use the M-Pro with the very fisrt 6.75's when you get to level 38. Thats what I did.
They are accurate enough. Even if a Z-99 or DDX gets close, which rarely happens, I
always kill them before they even do 2,000 dmg.

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 05. 2005 01:55

you could think about getting the Z98, Z51/50, Z47, or the Z2.

Sorry, I could not resist ;)

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 04. 2005 21:24

I didn't like the accuracy, like the CL's I say it is just too earily for the larger guns.
Waited about 5 levels and poof guns are now more accurate but by then I had Z99.
Kberg, and Mpro I can get any of those at the moment but I've tried them both and
disliked them, just not enough shells going into the air, my gunners do not have the
accuracy to fight at long range right now, so it is kind of pointless for me to use such
a ship. One reason I did not stick with the Sp38.

At short range, amount of guns and firing speed is the key to victory, size to me is a
secondary matter if the guns effect my accuracy too much I go back to my eariler
ones until my gunners improve more. Right now i'm testing the 6.75" guns and i'm
seeing alot of limitations with the 6.75" D guns on a Z99, first is range, second firing
rate, third accuracy, right at level 36 the 6.75" D duals are not as effective as people
lead on, i'm going to work with them until I learn the angle/range thing to see what
angle will make the shells land where until I judge them, after using 5.9"L's since
level 25 i'm far too used to them and these new guns is becoming a good learning

I like fire power over range and since most DD battles you are in mid to short range,
long range is almost pointless. Definity when your visial range is limited with DDs.
Even the Sp38 with CL I Aiming which had a larger range of sight was pointless
because right at level 20 the guns for it are not that effective, by the time the guns
started to be effective someone is already at a level for a Z99. Cost over
effectiveness like someone told me as made the SP D38 opsolete.

If I was still using a Sp D38 I would most likely keep 5.9" L guns since 6.75" D's
would be too heavy and give little ammo storage, 6.75" normals even worse with
ammo, the L types just are too heavy for the Sp38. So over all the 5.9" Ls with
normal or small HE would give the SP a great advantage over other DDs and if
someone wants to wait a long time their accuracy with those guns will be great
around level 35.

-another our of Mikako's pointless ranting-

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 04. 2005 20:54

i love the D38, it is an awesome ship. I used it until I got the Z99 and it was worht
its money.

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 04. 2005 13:55

I picked the Keuzer line as well, I loved the ship but converted back to Z1 to save
money. I'm thinking of later on I will make a Sp D40 for fun when I get bored hehe,
everyone will laugh and say "omg someone bought one of those how sad" hehe

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 04. 2005 13:54

i myself played with both ships and i would like to tell you that spaehkreuzer is a
freaking good ship man. specially if you have better gunners, cause you can fit the
5xtorps and fuck all incomnig dds with a good 10 torpwall. also it has good guns and
if you better gunners thatn i had in that time you can fit the 6.75" guns, now that
time the z99 didnt existed so maybe now the z99 is better but when there was only
a z31 and spaeh, i would like the spaeh better, also when you remodel to spaeh
d40 you get a scout so you can use the L version of 6.75" and actually see where
they land, and z99 cant use other than D version and doesnt have scout, but spaeh
d40 isnt a great cl it is more usefull as a bid gg, hitting like a TW and still have goos
guns, it isnt that bad, but since z99 bullshit many people isnt getting it. but i love my
spaehkreuzer, to bad i had to sell it for kburg. (i hate people that says kberg, it is
koeiningsburg not koeiningsberg so the apropiate name would be kburg.)

  • Re : D38 and Z32

    11. 04. 2005 13:46

I give the D38 one thing. It looks pretty and thats it hehe. I do like how it can carry
CL I Aiming gives it a far range of sight over the other German DD's it is a out of sight
pwnding only if it could carry larger guns later on when it turns into a CL but sadly
the gun size is barly better than a Z99 when the D38 goes D40.

D38 is a good ship as long as you do not charge forward and ingage like a normal
DD, with it's sight advantage I say it is more of a hide from other DD's and use 6.75"
Ds or 5.9" L guns and pwnd away in the shadows. Also the D38 has much greater
natural defence than the other German DDs.

Two things need to be changed to make the Sp D38 worth buying. One is price, it
cost too much to repair as a DD and even when it turns CL, the CL version cost more
to repair than the Kberg but is half as powerful as a Kberg. Second when the SP D38
turns into a CL it needs a larger gun capacity, it is too limited in size as I stated
before best guns it can get are the 6.75" guns and the Kberg can get more powerful
guns, more secondary armaments and cost much less to run. So the changes are
cost during it's DD age and CL age, and fire power during it's CL days. Then the Sp
D38 would be worth getting. Mainly I think the cost if it was turned down alot it
would be a ship worth buying.