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U.S Navy


  • Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 00:51

Someone post some advice on cleveland gun's config and engine/armour? Pls also
post your 2cent view of cleveland althought i heard ppl prefer to stay in brook for dd

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 18:49

Seems like a decent ship which i should only get when i have excess $$$.... Damn..
If only they stop DBing me..

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 13:40

i haev a cleveland with triple 6s. I dunno what you are talking about not being able to
concentrate fire.

As for armor setup

1.5-2" deck, 10 or so bulge, and the rest into belt

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 13:20

I used the triple 6" 47 guns in my Cleveland and loved it.

I played in All Welcome games and was tired of being CV food in my Brook, so I got
my Cleveland and put the dual 3" 70's in the secondaries and shot down half the
planes coming at me and dodged the rest. Most of the time. :)

I used the DDIII engine with the Aiming FCS, half an inch of deck and 2 to 3 inches of

I know a lot of guys like to use the dual 8" guns, but I did not ltike the long reload
time and had a lot of success with the tripl 6" 47D guns. The rate of fire combined
with heavy HE make them very powerfull, my highest attack scores were in my
Cleveland. My record is 68K.

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 06:29

The Brook is a better ship than the Cleve, unless you are getting sick of being
DB'ed :D. At least with the decent AA available for the Cleve you can knock 1 or 2
bombers down before they get to you.

AA is good to have when you get to the Balt, since you will often be the last one in
range of the enemy when the DD's/CL's rush ahead, which will cost you targets, as
well as the fact that as a CA, most of the ships out there are smaller and worth less
Shooting down planes can supplement your income quite nicely, adding 4-500XP and
5-700 credits on average in a good-sized All game. In CL/CA games, the team that
can keep scouts over the enemy while keeping their own skies clear has a big
advantage, and AAW won't do the job.

If using the 8", I recommend the 5/38 AA, with Heavy HE in the B bind. That way, if a
DD gets in close, you can really hammer him without having to keep waiting for the
8's to reload (and also not use up your 8" ammo, since supply is limited)

Also, if you use the Cleveland before getting Baltimore, the switch won't be as much
of a shock.

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 03:08

what ever u do, dont put the 6 trips on a cleve.
1) one less gun mount then brook
2) gun mounts spaced farther apart then brook, ur spread will be bad, no matter
how high ur gunners.

use the dual 8s for cleve. the N version. u will be able to shoot as far as mpro if not
farther. but ull only be able to mount 2 binds of ammo. so shoot wisely. also, ONLY
play cl/ca games since the dual 8s have such slow reload.

put all ur armor into deck since ur in all cl/ca, and u can mount aa guns if u want, but
waste of space.

use the dd3 engine. its the lightest, though it has crap overheat, but ur main speed
is the same.

aiming fcs. at first u cant see ur shells, but give it time, and ull A) get enough xprts
to see them B) know where they land with out seeing them. jus cuase u cant see
them land at the end, doesnt mean they dont still hit. kinda like stealth killing.

but, having told u the set up for cleve. i beg u to stick to brook till balt. the cleve is
ok ship, but the brook is so much better. the 6 trips are a great gun. and u own any
dd, and even do some pwnage in cls. its jus such a money maker that ull def want to
keep it.

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 01:08

Hmmm... I thought 5" would be better since if 3" will not shoot them down... It
would take 2 or 3 shot? ALso, is 8" alot further then 6" triples on brook?

  • Re : Cleveland

    11. 05. 2005 01:03

stay in brook for dd killer :) cleveland is for cl ca games and it has very bad spread
around lvls 40, you can do more attack with brook in cl ca games
btw cleveland 8"N (2 binds yes you heard right 2)
engine the latest you can get, fcs findidng couse you won't see your shells with aimimg
and you can mount aa 3" 70 duals are the best us aa but they wieght more then 5" 38 which
are probably second best us aa... reload is about the same on both guns but 3" hit harder