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U.S Navy


  • Atlanta AA setup.

    11. 05. 2005 13:16

I was in a room today, talking to this guy, and he was very alarmed to hear that i not
only had no AA guns, but i didnt plan on getting any. Apperently US have some good AA
thing or somthing?

anyway, i decided to look into it. Now, i dont really know where to mount AA only guns, (i
went to, and saw that AA spacific guns, have an A designation [instead of D
or L]) and i cannot for the life of me, find these special AA guns with the A designation.

So i figured maybe its just because the A dont show up, so i toss on some regular gun that
looks like it might be an AA gun...negitive, it didnt even have the AA shells.

So how exactly do i set up my atlanta to get these AA guns, cuz i really do hate them
little planes flyin around me all the time....i am currently training 2 10:11 Reld/AAW

  • Re : Atlanta AA setup.

    11. 05. 2005 14:31

A few notes.

3"/70's fire much faster than 5"/38's.

5"/38's have laughable range.

3"/70's range isn't even that great, compared to german, japaneese and british guns.

5"/54's cant use AAA shells to my knowledge, and are stuck with the much weaker AAC.

5"/54's do not have an A version.

No American gun can even COMPARE to German guns, solely because TeamNF wants it that way
in their little fantasy world. The german weapons are invariably faster, more powerful,
longer ranged, and lighter than their most similar American counterparts.

  • Re : Atlanta AA setup.

    11. 05. 2005 13:59

u normally in large BBs, CAs, and exlusive cls like the cleve on the T mounts. the gun
of choice is either the 5 38s A, or the 3 70 A. ull need to have AA gunners to use the
A versions, which are the fastest firing guns in their class. better then D.

the 3 70s are the fastest firing in us, BUT, they are the heaviest. so most ppl shy
away from them. use them UNITL u get the 5 38s. and by then, u dont need uber
reload speed. cause ull be able to use less shots. and u can use the extra
displacement for the desperatly needed armor.

as for an atlanta aa set up, use the 5' 54 or 5' 38 (recomend the 54s) with ur
NORMAL gunners, (unless u have AA gunners that can use the 54s on A version) and
put the 5 54/38 into ur R mount. now u have 6 dual guns. very very good. most gold
bar ppl use oak as their aa ship. lots of bind space, and 6 dual 54s is very good. fast
firing, and powerfull aa shell. and 12 at a time is very apealing. so since ur a low lvl
player, at atlanta lvl, wen u get to OAK, and only OAK, use the 5 54s with ur norm
gunners, and pack a few binds AA and a few binds APC. that way u can do both.
learn aa, and still shoot ppl to earn xp

  • Re : Atlanta AA setup.

    11. 05. 2005 13:48

The A designation guns are for the AA gunners only, if you do not have an armament
sailer converted to AA gunner you will not those guns on your list.

However a number of the US guns can carry AA shells and be used for anti air, the
3" 50, 3" 70, 5" 38 and 5" 54 as well as a couple of others.

The 5" 54 has the best range but a long reload time, the 5" 38 has the quickest
relod but the shortest range. The 3" 70 has the best combo of range and reload
time. I like the D version myself.

  • Re : Atlanta AA setup.

    11. 05. 2005 13:24

I know for a fact the gun at the very top of the list can use AAC shells. Hell, the gun
at the top at the list looks like a real life AA gun.