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  • New Flagship Tactical Options

    09. 26. 2006 22:25

Rather than just pointing out the biggest dog on your side of the fleet, I think that
being the Flagship of your side in a battle should give you more tactical options:

1. When Team Chat is enabled, the Flagship's name and text should be specially colored
(for example, it appears in blue among the grey and yellow text).

2. There should be an option to designate scouting requests; put the mouse over a point,
press a "Request Scout" key, and a (EDIT: gold) dot appears in all players' minimaps on
that area.

3. "Attack target" tool; put the mouse over a ship, press a key, and a red circle
surrounds that ship's dot on all players' minimaps; it stays there until the ship is
destroyed, and disappears from the map as the ship itself disappears from sight, like
normal, but remains highlighted when it's sighted again.

4. "Defend point" tool; works the same as "Request Scout", but it puts a (EDIT: gold) X on
the minimap instead; tells players where the line is weak and needs defending.

EDIT: point 5 regarding the transfer of flagship powers removed.

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    06. 01. 2010 17:38

given certain limitations (i.e. a usage time limit or placing a second one removes the
first) this could be great and increase team cohesion

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    06. 01. 2010 11:02

for what good it will do, recc'd

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    06. 01. 2010 05:33

Sounds good to me

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    05. 31. 2010 14:17

just like the thing in BF2 =)
reccomend, but there should be options to mutiny the current flagship by voting just
incase the flagship is a spamming idiot

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    05. 31. 2010 13:07

Great idea but probably never gonna happen :(
Recommended !

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    05. 31. 2010 12:02

Yea, and the flagship can have this golden aura around it and if the enemy hits it golden
pieces fall off of it and you can run over them with your ship and get bonus exp. If you
are the flagship and you are on Team Cheat....I mean, Team Speak, your voice will
have reverb on it so you sound powerful and god-like.

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    02. 22. 2010 12:46

Recc +200 :)

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    02. 09. 2010 02:33


  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    02. 08. 2010 13:36

maybe also we can get something boosted like range or health points or armor something
idk. flag is basically pointing us out if we die.. And if flag dies maybe team will have
certain amount of time where the ships get rage or something like their accuracy is better
or they fire faster say

  • Re : New Flagship Tactical Options

    11. 15. 2009 03:01

nice idea for the flagship
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