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  • M-pro

    10. 20. 2005 23:39

There seems to be alot of discusions about the m-pro.
My experience is that at low lvl 37-39 use hte trippel 6" and play agianst dd's.
You put as much bulge u can have, and put on lots of torps. Use the N version of the guns with heavy shells and u will get lots of money and exp. When u get to lvl 39, u can start to use the 6.75ls, they outrange about everyone in your lvl. Put light shells into it and lots of deck armour, u might wanna consider a scout. U use these guns mainly untill hipper or d-land. because the spread of the 8" in lvl 44 really is to bad. If u like me have a d-land and want to get a hipper. U will probably now have about lvl 50+ gunners. This is when the 8" guns start to get usefull. U only get 2 binds, but i hardly run out of ammo. If u play cl\ca games, u might wanna try to mix between ap and he shells.

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 11:06

But again, DDs are the only targets for 5.9... which make mpro pointless since you'd be
better with a z99 with dual 6,75.

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 08:15

i tried using 5.9" D in all welcome room its fun to see tw and dds scared ..until
im bombed by cvs.... the 5.9" D range ok against dd

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 06:43

if you plan on owning DD's get bulge, then if you got extra tonnage, belt.

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 05:45

why lotsa bulge???shldnt it be belt/ deck???

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 03:11

your not screwed, i'm lvl 53 now and spend a lot of time in M pro

both ways work good.

M pro with 6.75" is good for CL/CA games. Even if you get sunk quikly, stay till the
end and you get good credits.

M pro with 5.9". NEVER GET L version since it will reduce your ammo too much. Get
the D's with lots of HE heavy and AP/light and play dd/CL or ALL games.

when you reach lvl 39, there is only 1 way too play: 6.75"sL. you need to train for
long range gunning, and the 5.9" won't do that

also, don't use torps, use the 3.46" (lvl 30) in the back to shoot down scouts and

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 00:37

so... basicly I'm screwed, Yesterday Is pent my last money on 6.75D, so now I don't
have enough money to put the tripples back...
maybe if I sell some AA guns I will have enough to change back...

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 00:30

when u play an m-pro, u could range with the 6.75Ls guns, with light ammo and ap.
The lvl 39sL guns have more then enough ammo( 8binds), put some deck on it if u
want. but not that effective.
BUT if u want to own dd's use the trippels go to DD\CL battle only and use 5.9N with
heavy shells. U get good damadge, good enough range and nice spread. I have
often taken out cl's with this outfitt. Use alot of bulge to protect agianst torps. (45+)

  • Re : M-pro

    11. 01. 2005 00:20

torps... trip 5.9... bulge??

that's how nub mpro's run... easy food.

if you insist on a trip 5.9 mpro, balance deck and belt 1:3 or 1:2, don't put bulge or bulk. no
need for bulge if you know how to dodge torps.

don't use torps, torps on a cl are silly.

best mpro setup = dual 6.75s L with no armor or all deck armor (tho the speed boost will
probably help more than 1.5 deck, but mebbe not). light he.

  • Re : M-pro

    10. 31. 2005 22:20

I've used mpro ALOT. Sit, childs, and let me enlighten you.

Longest range guns, and no armor AND flak guns = teh pwn.

Why? Long range guns, nuff said'. No armor = speed = keep out of range = use your
advantage to it's full potential. Lastly, flak = enemy cannot scout you.

Then, you shall reign the land of pwnage.

  • Re : M-pro

    10. 31. 2005 19:09

Ok, here's a summary of all the advices for M-pro (feel free to point out anything

Use 5.9 triple with lots of bulge until lvl 39 then use 6.75 SKL40s with lots of deck
until deustchland. when guners reach lvl 50 start using the 8?

use hvy shells until lvl 45 뻟sh then use AP for distance


One question, which type of gun? (N,L,D)
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