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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Kuma

    10. 21. 2005 04:51

Why there is only a few people using kuma ?
How can i train some gunner after using kita?

  • Re : Kuma

    10. 22. 2005 10:19

Dont bother with Kuma it's not worth it if there is a CV in the game YOU will be the first to get hit by it i know it hapens every time i bring my Koma-Kye into a game so the only chose you have is stay with Fubukie get a simakzie some how or just dont bother with TW.

  • Re : Kuma

    10. 21. 2005 07:54

My advice would be to start anothre Bo on the gun line and train them up that way. This will give you soem experiance using a Gun dependant ship at least once before you get a CA....

  • Re : Kuma

    10. 21. 2005 07:49

A Fubuki is quite good for training gunners.

Just stick some dual 5.5" on the back two slots, and then torp like normal, but shoot people while you reload.

The exp is good, as the 5.5" give decent damage, and aiming is easy, as both turrets are right next to one another.

Stick one gunner on the back slot with the guns, and one on the empty front slot, and maybe switch them every so often (for gaining experts).

You will lose some speed, but I feel the experience is worth it.

  • Re : Kuma

    10. 21. 2005 07:43

Kuma sucks thats why u don't see many,Kuma has only 4 t slots nad gun slots r too small for any decent guns, ppl wait till they can remodel to kuma-kai or kita

for training gunners best bet is to use a kagero (god for bid) or start another bo and use the Akitsuki (god for bid)

  • Re : Kuma

    10. 21. 2005 05:00

cause they all get banned from games