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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • skipping agano

    11. 14. 2005 16:10

I intend on skipping the agano im at lvl 28 stilll in my tsuki and wondering wat guns i
shud have on it keep the dual 5.5, get some dual 6s or single 7.9s?

Or shud i just go agano?

  • Re : skipping agano

    01. 02. 2006 03:08

Yes I know that scouting doesn't give XP but use it for good overall battleview for
you and others, you and your team will know where is enemy and which way it is
heading and knowing that is a part of success. I know that being a support ship
doesn't appeal to someone but you don't expect any CL1 going 1on1 with CL2 and
winning right? At least I haven't seen Kbergs going against Mogami or Edinburgh
and winning all the time. Being in Agano (or almost any CL1) means to be a support
ship against more powerfull opponents, make some attacks but don't expect to be
no1 CL in room, sorry to say that but be a scavanger :P. Like it or not but it is
allways a crucial role to play and other players will be thankfull.

  • Re : skipping agano

    01. 02. 2006 01:58

The prospect of being a support ship dosen't really appeal to some people,
especaily since the Agano has inferior range compared to CL2s and CL1s get blown
up by your escorts before you can do decent damage to it and as far as I know,
scouting dosen't give xp.

  • Re : skipping agano

    01. 02. 2006 01:21

I'm currently using Agano and Tsukikei and it works well for me. I think that most of
people are saying that Agano sucks because they want too much from her. When
I'm fed up driving Tsuki I take Agano to some CL only games and have a good fun
there. You should act as support CL for others, you're not front line runner/killer,
stay close (but not too close) to some stronger CLs (like Mogami) scout for him and
lend him your fire support. Don't expect to make a ton of attacks from each game,
your spread will suck but you have some decent range with 7,9B Ds. Choose your
targets wisely, try to pound those Dido/Sirius/Atlanta that try to get closer, you can
also aim at those Kbergs, Edinburghs and Brooklyns while trying to stay out of their
range. You will also notice that while staying close to stronger CL you'll be ignored
most of time as they try to first get rid of stronger opponent. Don't get separated
from rest of your team, you are a support ships as a lone wolf you will die quickly
most of times.
I know that it was written somewhere before (thx Walex) but it really works so it
should be repeated all the time.
I read some guides and posts before I got my Agano, thanks to BO bug my gunners
are 5 levels ahead of my BO. I never expected her to be a first place killer so I'm
glad when I can get 6000 attacks per game because I will get the same XP from it as
making 10000-12000 attacks from DD only game. For me using Agano and Tsukikei
combines very good, I have a good fun using them and it is the most important thing
you should expect from game, right?

  • Re : skipping agano

    01. 01. 2006 09:23

this a month nd a half old...

But i got the agano in the end HATED it so much went RN for a while then went back
to tsuki and lvled to oyodo

  • Re : skipping agano

    01. 01. 2006 08:29

I am planning to skip the agano, untill level 33, then I will buy one and remodel it to
an oyo.
the agano is very comparable to a Kberg, I think, and if it is, it has the potential to
be very good, but not for players new to CL's, so you might as well skip it, and wait
for the Mogami.
It is not hard to learn how to use a CL properly, just follow the other CL's and do as
they do.
however, you should follow the CL's of the same class, and not short range CL's, the
CL's of the same class are for instance: cleveland, brooklyn, edinbrugh or Mpro,
don't follow Dido's or atlantas, they are short-range, and a mogami isn't.

  • Re : skipping agano

    12. 31. 2005 17:17

i use Agano and Tsukikei i put 6" on my tsu and get avg of 10k or 15k on agano
anywhere from 2k-30k but agano does teach you how to dodge torps in that beast
and all other things mentioned another alternitive is putting your head in a blender,
problem with that is you can only do it once

  • Re : skipping agano

    11. 16. 2005 00:24

Hey, answer the guy's question!

I have the 5.5s on my Tsuki, stick with those. The 6" guns are much heavier, slower
and don't give that much better damage.

Might be an idea to use the 7.9 singles for a while if skipping Agano. That
will teach you to hang back and shoot at things from a distance - stuff you need to
know for your days in Mogami.

  • Re : skipping agano

    11. 15. 2005 07:45

I'll bump my Agano guide for you :)

  • Re : skipping agano

    11. 15. 2005 02:37

Use 5.5 N (later) or L (earlier, your crew isnt too fat) with HE light. You will be able to
outrange many CLs (with L guns) or only CL1s (with N). Dont use 6" or 7.9"A. 6" have
half range of 5.5", slow reload, heavy as hell, and often considered that user of 6"
isnt too high lvl --> with 32+ lvl gunners & Bo + 2 support you wont fit this guns. 7.
9"s are crap. Avoid at all cost. Need realy high lvl to get decent spread, slow reload,
slow turning, useless against fast moving tagets.

Just keep range and pound every1 @ max distance -> @35 degree. You can kill
Agano with 4 good salvos from 5.5".

I say skip Agano. I used only few times and really dont hurt too much to skip it.

Later as you progress in game use Tsukikei as AA DD. Its a glorious ship with 10 3.9".
Just put 2 gunners (or DP gunners) + 2 2nd/1st MG gunners, and kill every plane ->>
a lot of money in big All Welcome.

  • Re : skipping agano

    11. 14. 2005 21:47

The Agano is really a HARSH school of CL training but its a good learning experience.

-Really grinds the paper armor of the IJN in your face (especially again'st z99s & DDXs).
And you're eventual use of all your friendly DDs as "DD-armor" for you to hide behind.
-Long range CL warfare (leading shots with longer shell airtime).
-Long range torping and/or Self Defense Torping (torping at long range while keeping
opponent's attention with gunnery & Out torping those TWs that close in).
-The lovely times of having CVs actually paying attention to you.
-Flying your plane around & scouting for other ships.
-And if you want, you can turn it into an Oyodo CV.
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