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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • New to CV

    10. 21. 2005 08:50

Hi, I've used to play U.S. DD/CL on Vancouver but now I wish to play on Seattle using JPN CV. My question is: can u guys help me with what should I do, wich routes should I take and what sailors should i train etc. ...


  • Re : New to CV

    10. 21. 2005 09:19

hmm, thanks very much guys ^^

  • Re : New to CV

    10. 21. 2005 09:02

For CV you need to take the Gun route BO, you might want to start a Torp line as well for training up Pilots. The first pseudoCV is at 33 with the Agano remodel. As far as what to train you should have at least 2 Fighters and 2 Bombers, I would also recommend 2 TB Pilots as well for the CV2 and higher. With all the AA Whores out there DBs are getting more and more obsolete and difficult to use effectivly. You can use the TBs to go after the AA ships then finish the capitol ships with DBs.

*edit* he beat me to the reply but all of his info is good stuff as well, using TBs is much more difficult than click bombing DBs.

  • Re : New to CV

    10. 21. 2005 09:02

First off, I would like to say that you should stay in Vancouver server since it would be easier for you there to use a CV. In order to take the Jap CV line, you must take the Akisuki (gun ship) line. With this, it is a lot harder to earn money and gain exp due to the calibre of the weapons. I highly suggest you make another BO for the Jap Torp line which is Fubuki, it will allow you to train faster and gain credits more easily. Although the Oyodo (lvl 33 Jap CV) is very cheap compared to the rest of the CVs, it is still quite expensive when you're moving from CL to CV. Since the Agano (CL) isn't the best ship in the world, some people avoid using the ship entirely. That's why many people use the torp line ships in order to gain experience. Your BO cannot be transferred to the torp line ship so you may have to use Akisuki till lvl 33.

Now the quickest way to get Oyodo is to train a neutral and put it on your Torp ship. Leave it as a neutral until level 33 and then you can change him into a BO for Oyodo. The sailor will obviously lack potential but potential isn't THAT important if you're going to use a CV.

I highly recommend you train bombers properly so they get the stats/ability. If they don't, they will most likely die everytime they dive because ability affects the AAW dodging rate. You should train dive bombers on torp line. Dive bomber is more effective than torp bomber because most people have bulge more than deck. Although the stats show that the torp bombs do more dmg, realistically, dive bombs do much more dmg. But the down side is that dive bombers are at lvl 45 and torp bombers are at lvl 33. If you are a beginner, I suggest you stick with dive bombers although it'll be a pain to level them.