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U.S Navy


  • Super DD

    10. 21. 2005 13:08

Iv tried this before and it works dam well, it's simple a DDX equiped with 7"/2L singles. Sure the reload is long and the ACC mabey crappy but there are ways around this by having atleast lv 40+ gunners can help ease the reload and ACC also haveing a high lved BO is recommened cause i used a lv 41 BO when i tried this, fired at max range couldnt see where my shots landed so having a high lved bo is smart.

Also trust me this setup has huge range for a DD, as I can outrange Brooks with 6"triples and sirus with these guns also haveing light shells helps more with range *i recommaned 3 binds ull never run out if u use this many*, but there is a big weakness with this setup though, and thats against other dd's. this ship pretty much's burns at the wrath against other dd's cause they are small and there guns reload to fast as your guns reload slow as hell

so mostly this ship is more of a CL killer anyways try it out by going in a dd/cl game trust me getting into a cl's range will be a breeze!

  • Re : Super DD

    10. 21. 2005 18:45

nes it's pretty hard to beat cl2's*apart from the sirus* with 6"dual anyways thats not the point! the point is that with the 7"singles u practlly have CL range and power. it really really out ranges the 6"duals so the 7"singles pretty much turns the dam thing into a CL1... a crappy CL1...or....a good vs CL but crappy dd CL1, also with the 6"duals i did have a harder time getting into range against those mpros and the rarely seen in dd/cl mogaimi and once i got into range they run off with the 7"singles i dont have this problem anymore

  • Re : Super DD

    10. 21. 2005 15:52

dont get cocky with the CA's they'll murder a ddx with the right guns

  • Re : Super DD

    10. 21. 2005 15:48

That ship sounds really good. You have enough firepower to fight a high lvl cl or a low lvl ca.

  • Re : Super DD

    10. 21. 2005 15:47


  • Re : Super DD

    10. 21. 2005 15:17

Ok no matter what anone else says the dual 6"ers are the way to go. more shels, faster reload, still good firepower, less spread, great range... 4 binds of ammo. You can not use the 6"ers on the atlanta and expect to win anything against another CL, and you CAN beat cl2's with the DDX almost every time with the 6"ers. so its a great deal