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  • Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    05. 15. 2010 09:21

Hi All,

While im feeling all proactive.

Calmly and rationally - What keeps you out of your CV?

How do we get you back in your CV playing again?

Again - Please keep this clear of speculation, insults. Everyone has their right to a
viewpoint or reason, debate it but do so with reason and back it up.

If not or you cant, then leave it

Yes no doubt this has been discussed to death, but is also a major issue in NF today
resulting in games taking too long to load etc. Yes I also know there is the CV wish list

This is a temporary quick fire solution suggestion thread - Keep it short and concise

Heres a couple for you

1) Crew death
2) Player abuse (bullying and insults)
3) TB's DB's shortened range
4) Locals need resolving (?)

Added (by community)
1) Torp/DB Damage review

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 27. 2010 02:27

Here is what I have noticed about CVing. I started out with a UK CV with 3 FPs and 3 TBs
and later added 5 more TBs. For me the idea of a CV is as a support ship. We pick an area
(North, Middle, South) and that is the area we cover for the battle. When I started it was
all about trying to provide FPs at the start to clear any scouts and then I would use my
bombers to control the enemy BB line if ours was falling a bit. I moved to a KM CV after I
hit malta and I run it with 6FPs and 2DBs (soon to be 8 and 2) but again I only use the
bombers if I feel like our BB line needs help in my area. I dont mind scouting for my team
but I basically have to spend the entire game lowering and raising my FPs over the enemy
BBs because of the little AA ships and that slows me down a lot. So when I scout for a
good 3 minutes avoiding AA and my BBs do nothing it is kind of frustrating. I just sold my
UK FPs and am going to run that CV with only TBs now. I think there are just too many
small ships in GB2 for the CVs to really want to play and then mix that with the BBs not
capitalizing and there is no point in me playing just to get blamed for a loss. I think a
new game mode that was only BBs and CVs would be a lot of fun. In my day we did missions
to get experts and I think that needs to be the case again.

If a room was 3-5CVs per team and 10-15 BBs per team that would be perfect...and it would
actually be a lot like some of the HA rooms I have been in.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 27. 2010 00:34

agree.. everybody blames the cv for the team loss.. its not the cv's fault he can't fight
higher tier fp of the other team.. they still blame cvs for blindness. your like blaming a
bb1 for not ranging a bb5! they treat cv players as their personal scout launcher. seen
alot of bb players these days w/o scout and theyre the one shouting for sight. lmao..

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 27. 2010 00:18

Most of the problems CV's have in this game I find revolves around one thing, fighter
whoring. When I first started playing this game back in the day, FW didn't exist,
people didn't blame CVs for losses, playing CV was fun and enjoyable, even in my
Colossus CV2 with Tier 1 Fighters. Then came all the fighter whores, and most of
the problems we face along with it.

Aside from a few outliers (aka retards who don't have scouts at all), the majority of
time BB players complain about "NOOOOOB CV" is when they can't see and they are
frustrated. From what I have observed it isn't because they are too lazy or stupid
(except for a few), it is because a cv on the other team is fighter whoring with 8 lvl
120 FPs and have eliminated any chance of a scout, bomber, or fighter plane to fly
over half the freaking map. When this happens even if a BB wants to scout for
himself he freaking can't. When I'm in my BB, since I'm UK, I only have effin like 3
scouts as it is. I get 1 or 2 shot down and I'm weighing it out in my head for the
rest of the game, "is this bb im up against worth sending in my last scout for 5
seconds of sight before the iron curtain of FW FPs takes him down?" Usually the
answer is: Hell Fckin No.

I run 4 TBs and 3 FPs in my Malta Project and do just fine (and don't get yelled at by
BBs) until I play against a fighter whore.

Want to fix most of the problems? Find a way to eliminate fighter whores.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 25. 2010 07:24

Do away with locals the ppl with t1's and T2's learn nothing bout fighter tactics and
micro management, eah teir teach u how too contol the rest by missing the first 2 teirs
they become noob's with 3"s end up being food anyways.

2. Bomber whoreings is a absolute waste of time cause there are fighter whores like me
are just gonna eat u up. Be creative like of new ways and stratergies, Myself i use
fighter screens, engages ur fighters with the enemy keep them buszy and u get small squads
of bombers through. Ur fighters do the scouting and suppression give u great xp through
torp damage in there and ur in bonus rounds. DBing gives no bonus what so ever.

3. maybe lower the lvl for supports for cv6 down too 110, 115 is a hell long way too go
give us the cv 6 with 110 supports as it is harder for a cv too gain xp when ur realiant
on bb's. Happens too me all the time u could scout lower alltuides dodging aa and a bb
rushes at the wrong time than bam ur teams wiped out,

4. agree with ipie friendily aa is way out of control they shoot at anythin even noobs
these days they see friendilys and start shooting, Like i heard all the excuses and have
been asking mods and psoting perviousily on the forums asking for something too be done,
tried everythin from lowe default hieghts and everythin doesnt mean ur fp;s listen they
justfly straight back up and fire, make it as a percentage hit starting small and slowily
increaseing, Cause face it mistakes do happen and for most decent aa.
boats they will stop let us do our thing than leave,

IPie bud i suggest if they do that than just leave let them see ur bb's head over too
there bb line and play with there aa and wait for a intercept than just renforce all the
time intercepting on there line starving the aa boats thats what i do they learn sooner or

cheers besty

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 24. 2010 07:07


"DB's don't need dmg buff -.-"

Silly megadone :D.
They totally need a damage buff. If a CV6 gets lucky enough to find a BB5 or 6 without
being intercepted by locals/enemy AA, then his 12 bombers will be lucky to do 40k, which
is not nearly enough to do significant damage to a BB. I think that if you manage to get
your 12 bombers through INTACT (considering that most of the time, you'll lose at least 4
from enemy AA), then they should have more of an effect on the battlefield.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 22. 2010 21:29

ive come to the conclusion my cv is a scout for bbs, so since thats the same for everyone
why dont we give recon scouts a bonus to friendly ships shooting those we are scouting.
i dont mind the crew death for me mainly rookies. replacing rookies is no problem maybe
when im better and have more vets then i will be peaved.

so my suggestions are

- enemy ships under scouts lose armour bonus.
- locals weigh more and nerfed to the same as t3 fighters
- increase sight range of DB's
- and i think thats it

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 22. 2010 21:08

stratavar an old-timer when it comes to CV (don't even try checking how many games this
acc has played because this isn't my CV acc), i would have to say the biggest thing
keeping people from playing CV is because there are people with level 120 fighters running
around Fighter Camping the hell out of enemy BBs, and the BBs are yelling at the lower
level CV players due to a "lack of effort". This is total crap. If fighter pilot
performance wasn't so level-based, and some real elements were brought into the game (e.g.
Altitude advantage, being unable to fire from the rear of the plane, flanking methods
that could cause faster damage to the attacked planes, etc.) then the level 120 fighters
wouldn't always win. Yes I'm aware of Micro-managing and dragging, and i do it all the
time. In fact, my level 80 US fighters can take on some level 110 KM fighters because I
micro-manage to the point that my face is embedded in my monitor watching every single
movement of my planes and the enemy's planes. I'm simply suggesting an interface that
allows plane movement to be a predetermined thing rather than "Click here, now here,
here...herehereherehere...HEREHERE and once again HERE...ok you're halfway there", along
with some type of ability buffer for lower levels that can't be taken advantage of at
higher levels.

PS: Yes, my fighters have been around lvl 80 for 4 years now, too lazy to level them >.<

*edit* oh i was too busy ranting. Yes, remove the current limitations of Bombers and
revert them to how they were before the big CV patch (Fuel). Also due to the trend
following subs, BBs carry a ton of bulge now, and anybody with a brain uses belt to reduce
torp damage. I would suggest removing the Belt Ability and decreasing the weight of bulge
by 20% at most, along with a 10% damage increase of TBs.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 13. 2010 13:56

For me, the way I see it.

Small CV's are hating on big CV players for preventing them from doing anything with
fighter camps.

Big CV players hate seeing their well trimmed Premium BVV T3 Fighters (over 100 vets)
getting shot down by a Dragging Hosho's locals.

and ALL CV's are being yelled at for not scouting which may or may not be their fault.

I personally think it's stupid that if "A" has fighter superiority North, and "B" has it
south, than half the players in that navyfield game can't play.

While the concept of carriers is great and all, it has gone a bit wonky with locals and
battleships NEEDING CV's to scout for them.

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 11. 2010 13:46

Since I have often complained about the insane death rate on fighter vets,
I would like now to express my sincere appreciation that this has been fixed in the
recent patch.

Not only that like me all CV players will be happy to be able to use their precious
vetted fighters in normal day to day gameplay,
I am furthermore convinced that this will increase the game fun for BB players as
well, because fighters will be used more frequently in order to light up the battlefield.

Well done TNF

.........................................................msg post in eu server,many replay tnx. lets
hope soon and here to say:Well done TNF

remove lvl forum and put lvl bo

  • Re : Getting CV Drivers back flying again - Discussion

    07. 10. 2010 12:28

DB's don't need dmg buff -.-

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