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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 23. 2009 13:15

I've searched torp, kuma kai, and found an incomplete guide lacking the kuma line.

So I've been wonder what torps most people prefer to use on the kuma kai.
My torpers are lvl 70 from playing my sub so much. (only one torp option there).

I can equip the 24" type 93 M1 and M3s. But only the 4x m3 fit.
I know the mod 1s have the most range, and the mod 3 have the most power, with
decent range. Courtesy of trainworld.

So share your set ups with me please =)

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 25. 2009 08:41

If you're going into GBs use the longest range torps you can, and have them set on slow.

If you're in Blitz I suppose you can use the shorter range torps, since everyone rushes
anyways, but you might as well just go into GBs anyway, since you'll be using the torping
tactics you learn there more than in Blitz.

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 25. 2009 06:14

I stuck with the M1's. The reason was speed...could not get more than 47OH on mine for
any length of time. Everyone knew what I was going to do so I could not get out there
very far before being owned...

Just my 2 cents worth...

  • Re : Torps for the Kuma Kai

    07. 24. 2009 19:43

No one with more experience is going to answer this? :(

The setup depends on what you're hunting. Since it'll probably see exclusive use in GBs,
you may want to stick with the longer range M1s. Of course, you could get silly with your
insane scout capacity (more than any other CL/CA, and all but a handful of BBs), and 5
R-slots (AA) and try to sneak up. (There has to be a way to turn the Kuma-kai into a
great support ship...)
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