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Marine Nationale


  • La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 03:47

So, since I've resigned myself to use Mogador -> CL2, here's the question...

Do I: Suffer the extra 2 levels of grind, and the really _____ looking Emile Bertin from
36->42, or go for Joan of Arc?

The real question I'm asking is is Suffren v Galissonniere; why is the Suffren two levels
lower despite having 4x8in against the G'iere's 3x6in, despite having 3,000~ more usable
tonnage, a CA FCS, same number of planes... What advantage is there for
the G'iere, really? Is the G'iere BB line better?


  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 09:04

Comparing hitbox, Suffren is quite a bit bigger than LG. LG has a very slim profile
that's practically CL1 size.

In terms of gun range or damage, I cannot give an accurate assessment, but from what
little indication I've seen in Blitz (so definitely take it with a grain of salt), the
trip 6 don't have a decent spread early on. And perhaps not much range either. And as
Rehor mentioned, the angles on the trip 6 are a bit tricky to play with.

  • Re : La Galissonniere v Suffren

    02. 19. 2010 06:42

the same reasons, possibly, why u should pick a Northampton or a Brooklyn/Cleveland in the
US nation
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