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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Tsukikei VS Agano

    07. 12. 2010 19:28

I was wondering, should I go for the Agano or hold on to my Tsukikei until I can get

I'm surrently using a Tsukikei. I have the Bridge Operater for an Agano, but I can't
afford it. I do plan to save up credits for it though.

I understand that the Agano is considered to be weaker than the Tsukikei in terms
of killing power, but I wanted to find out if therer were other factors, e.g. possibly
faster credit farming, speed, overall usefulness to team.

From what I've read in the early ship guide, the Agano's strength is in its scout
planes long range supportive fire and torpedos.

Can those with past experience regarding this please advise me?

  • Re : Tsukikei VS Agano

    07. 12. 2010 21:47

I'm generally going to stick to Blitzkriegs for the credit farming thing. Any thing to
note on comparing the 7.9" duals against the 6.1" triples? In terms of actual battle
experience preferably.

  • Re : Tsukikei VS Agano

    07. 12. 2010 20:04


I say move up Agano as you will eventually need it to remodel to an Oyodo. The
CV/CL makes a decent amount creds for your future needs. Besides, you generally
earn more creds and exp in a bigger ship.

If your playing in a blitz, a Tssukikei is more useful. If your going for the cv line, I
guess the agano could be used for scouting purposes and light combat in a GB2 >.>

But really, you should be able to level up fairly quick at your levels.

Have fun ^^

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