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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • torpedo loading problem

    07. 29. 2010 16:07

Hi all,

I just upgraded type 90 x4 to type 93 M1 x 3 launchers, but there was the problem that
I was unable to load any torpedoes for some reason... I had enough space, enough
displacement freed, up-to-level torpedomen, etc. but when I went onto the armaments
screen in the shipyard I could not load any number of torpedoes (not even 0). I tried a
multitude of things like taking out and replacing the sailors, selling and rebuying the
launchers, reducing displacement even more, etc. and I eventually had to sell the whole
ship to get the torpedo loading to work, at the expense of about 20,000 credits. That
was absurd. Is there an actual solution to this loading problem?

  • Re : torpedo loading problem

    07. 30. 2010 10:42

There are a couple of possible explanations:
1) You have multiple launchers on a ship and the other launchers have all the torp
capacity filled. There is an odd thing about torp launchers and that is that the torp
capacity of the ship is spread out amongst all the launchers on the ship. So if the total
torps loaded into the other launchers = total capacity, you will not be able to load torps
onto the other launchers. Try reducing torps in the other launchers and balance out
however you like.

2) You are at or over maximum weight displacement.

Torper level won't affect this.

  • Re : torpedo loading problem

    07. 29. 2010 20:09

What ship was it/did it have an armament space of 0?

This is a bug that sometimes shows up in ships that aren't 'supposed' to mount torpedoes
due to their lack of reloads (eg: Mogami 1938/1941, Myoko, Kongo)

  • Re : torpedo loading problem

    07. 29. 2010 17:28

It could be that the torpedo launcher can't hold too much torpedo on your ship. I had this
problem before. But i sent in a ticket to the GM and ask what is wrong and they told me
what is wrong and fixed it. I can't remember how But I think it's the space in the
launcher that limited not the ship space.


  • Re : torpedo loading problem

    07. 29. 2010 17:18

It's happening again on the same ship, this time without changing launchers either. I
can't change the number of torpedoes loaded. (this is the Agano)
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