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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Japanese is good?

    07. 30. 2010 17:42

Us I am and I was wondering if the Japanese are good because I saw many people using?

  • Re : Japanese is good?

    07. 30. 2010 22:19

Please, there are a ton of posts on the benefits of different nations and which is the
best and which is the worst. Just use search for 'best' or 'nation'

  • Re : Japanese is good?

    07. 30. 2010 21:21

It all depends on how you play. Angus stated that a very aggressive player is most
often in a ship of the RN. IJN requires that you play defensively since their ships
cannot survive a direct hit at max angle from charging ships like PoW mounting
quads. Nelson also destroys blinded Japanese ships.

Since you are asking this in the Japanese thread, I assume that you are keen on
choosing this nation for your BB, CV, and/or SS line. A 45 max angle is not quite
good when rushing. But this type of angle punches a hole in deck armor due to the
rather high angle at which it enters.

I myself prefer the UK as we rush a lot. But, now Im off-topic. With my limited
experience with the IJN, I only had a Kongo on Iowa before turning to Bismarck for
my UK crew, I always hung back waiting for the time to strike. Also, you could use
the TW route and just leave your gunners onboard while the torps take out majority
of the team.


  • Re : Japanese is good?

    07. 30. 2010 20:30

There is no "good" or "bad" nation or ship. (only inbalences)

It depends on your playstyle and skill that makes a ship good or bad.

As far as IJN goes, I reccomend it for people who are agressive, but not overly
agressive (*cough* L2 *cough*). For people who can multitask amazingly well, aware,
and have a quick mind.

Even though IJN has a 45 degree angle, and is normally used defensively, many better
players use IJN quite agressively, espically in Fuso, Nagato, Super Yamato, and Amagi.

As far as generally goes, IJN is one of the best nations over the levels (behind KM).
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