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  • MN SS

    09. 22. 2010 11:36

I play an MN SS and I was hoping for some advice. I am in an SS1 and was hoping I would get some tips and
tricks, because after sinking an Iowa and an H39 I only got like, 3k xp. Before you ask, they were still at full

  • Re : MN SS

    09. 23. 2010 12:03

I never leave until the game is over and I always play with premium. I was hoping more for specific advice for
the Sirene.

  • Re : MN SS

    09. 23. 2010 08:25

If you got 3k experience either you left early on a gold account, which is unlikely
since it takes some time just to get over to an Iowa and H39.

Other than that, if you hit anyone on your side with torpedos or even the splash
damage at the end from torpedos results in a teamkill which results in less exp.

Also Advice I would stay in the game till someones flag is killed, it gives you more
exp either way if you lose yours or kill theirs.

For an SS1, you have the quickest out of all upper Tier subs for torpedo reload, and
turning ability. The only thing i might stay away from is a KM tier 1 sub, since they
turn the best in the game, have proximity torpedos, and they are a small target so
harder to hit with non proximity torpedos.

Also go up the middle in battle, don't go up the north or south. You don't have
enough air time to go up north or down south. If you go up the middle you can
easily pick off all the rushing FFs, DDs, CLs, and CAs. This will also greatly improve
your ability at high levels and tiers to take out asw ships. You can still get a lot of
attack with kill these ships, not as much exp as BBs. Although you are more likely to
survive and go after the cvs if you get through the middle waves.

Try to stay surfaced in the begining until battleship guns are hitting or coming close
to hitting you then dive, so you waste as little air as possible, since T 1 has very
little air to begin with.

*Always crash dive if there is torps coming at you.

  • Re : MN SS

    09. 22. 2010 14:55

Since I am 4 levels away from the Tier 2 Submarine the Requine I will offer the following

1. Stay back and hunt any stragglers that make it through the battleship line.
2. Go north or south and choose enemy stragglers there.
3. Defend from counter attacks by enemy subs incoming through the middle.
4. Choose a spot on the map and hide under a cloud and wait for them to come to you.
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