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U.S Navy


  • Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 17. 2010 14:50

I've been experimenting with different AA guns on my Omaha, looking to see which is the
best. What do you like the most overall? Right now I'm using the 3"/70cals because of the
short reload time, but they, along with most of the US AA arsenal, has a painfully short

With the Omaha this is not so bad because the ship is fast enough to attack planes but most
other ships can't do much because without speed the shorter ranges of the AA guns mean
you'll only shoot down planes coming at you/in your path.

  • Re : Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 20. 2010 00:40

"do realize the disadvantage of US aa is the range. with high enough level gunners the
reload is pretty much the same. "

Thats why 5" Mark 38Ls are best.

  • Re : Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 20. 2010 00:35

"depends...if you want to be able to shoot planes down in 1 or two shots...the 5"/ 38 cal
Mark 38 Ds are what you want...though they have less reload speed than the 3"/ 70 cal Mark
23 Ds. both are double barreled. But one is more firepower and one is more reload
inclined. If you're good with judging aircraft height and actually hitting them. go with
the 5" if you're more hit and miss, go with the 3" "

do realize the disadvantage of US aa is the range. with high enough level gunners the
reload is pretty much the same. the N guns are the way to go.

  • Re : Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 19. 2010 19:44

depends...if you want to be able to shoot planes down in 1 or two shots...the 5"/ 38 cal
Mark 38 Ds are what you want...though they have less reload speed than the 3"/ 70 cal Mark
23 Ds. both are double barreled. But one is more firepower and one is more reload
inclined. If you're good with judging aircraft height and actually hitting them. go with
the 5" if you're more hit and miss, go with the 3"

  • Re : Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 17. 2010 23:46

best usn aa gun is the 3/70 N
angle 37

short range and lowish damage but gets the job done. Works great on omaha - omaha
is the best aa ship for usn and nobody expects it to be any good. Which is good.

  • Re : Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 17. 2010 19:30

Best US AA gun IMO is the 6"/47 DP Mk 16 L. Though that's really restricted to the
Brooklyn and Cleveland.

The 3"/70 are more or less what you're stuck with on the Omaha. (Though the 5"/38 D may
be an option if you don't mind the limited ammo)

  • Re : Best US AA gun overall?

    11. 17. 2010 15:01

I like the Lv 17 3"/ 70 cal Mark 23 N 41 Reload 1.200 GA: 37 ?

Than the D or the A. I seem to get alittle more distance than the other 1.08 RL.

Also Off set fire between the front gunner and rear make an better kill spread
pattern then Firing both firing at once.

Just need to off balance the expert and vets alittle between both sailors.

V/r Boku
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