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  • Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 24. 2010 18:23


4 options available.

Option_1: You want be be masochist and suffer the first 70-80 lvls from using UK reload.
This is due to the poor spread at the beginning. However, once you reach that phase,
you're going to have the SAME spread as accuracy gunners. This is due to the accuracy cap
which is fairly easy to hit. You will probably hit the reload cap within few more levels.

In short, you're going to have same spread than an accuracy gunner and have uber reload
from around around 80.

Option_2: You don't like being masochist the first lvl 40-50. However, you like being
masochist and love suffering from the lvl 60 up to 120. This is due to the poor reload
skill. The reload cap is extremely hard for an accuracy gunners to hit it. Even at lvl
120, those gunners must be highly vetted, which is complete lame and unecessary.

In short, you're loving to have a good spread soon, but your reload will take eternity to
done loading. This is a must if you enjoy hurting yourself, because you love rushing and
get shelled much more because you're not even done loading the ammo.

Option_3: You don't like none of the two option above, because you want to bypass and have
a good spread soon and reasonable reload. In that case, do some mathematics and
optimization. Choose the best performance.

Option_4: You can't take this anymore. Give up UK and go IJN/KM or MN. You will no longer
worry about the classing and
or the type of neutral that must be chosen.
Great idea from umbralraptor.

Which gunners to choose?

Option1: Elite accuracy classed as reload works fine, any 12/10, even 12/9 accuracy/reload
works. If you want to get done with horrible spread as soon as possible.
Other gunners can be picked because you have your own reason.

Elite reload classed as accuracy.
Any other base 12 reload is highly suggested. When the gunner becomes huge gunners, it's
not like you will have to worry about the growth anyways. You will even get an accuracy
growth over 30 with the worst base.

Option 3: Get any neutral/ellite you want. Download NF calculator and start optimizing for
best performance.

Now sticky this...

  • Re : Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 26. 2010 03:17

Buff UK Please.

  • Re : Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 25. 2010 09:26

It took me a while figuring out why you replied in a weird way yesterday.

  • Re : Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 25. 2010 09:14

So with typical BVE, you need at least +12 reload to hit the reload cap with an Acc
classed gunner at 120?

@Richard: Hehehe...

  • Re : Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 25. 2010 09:13

No sarcasm.

Just wanted to point out that this gunner was at the reload cap before it was altered; I
know because he matched shots with his 11 RLD counterpart that only has around 103 vets.
I may try to slam a few more on this weekend but I've got backup experts booked for my MN
crew already.

  • Re : Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 25. 2010 02:08

lawl nice Richard :p

love the sarcasem lol


not sure if your sarcastic or not...but....put 200+ vtes and it will be acc capped(prolly)


  • Re : Unofficial official thread 2 about UK gunners

    11. 24. 2010 21:21


10 RLD - NOT reload capped.

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