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U.S Navy


  • Colorado Aromor?

    12. 16. 2010 18:22

So I've come a long way since my BB rant, and I just got my Colorado last night
about 5 mins before the servers went down (use a ship tree reset that I got during
the Thanksgiving event), and I must say, all you guys that said "Just stick it out, it
gets better" were right. :) Now, I know the CO is a pretty durable ship the way it is,
but am I at a point where I should start worrying about deck armor, or should I just
still do bulge? At the moment, I only have enough credits to put about 3.5 deck on it
unless I start selling my brit ships and crew, which I don't want to do. Although my
gunners alone should be enough to armor the heck out of my CO, im curious to see
just how good boosted elite gunners can get at higher levels. But I digress... So
yeah. Should I start putting all my money into armoring this thing, or is it not going
to make a difference until I hit bb3/4?

  • Re : Colorado Aromor?

    12. 16. 2010 18:28

I was never really able to tell a difference. Plus you lose speed with is vital in the
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