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Royal Navy


  • Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 09:25

I need a crutch ship to get my crew (currently at kgv - no range :() through to bb4. Would the Dunk or
the ebb1 make a better crutch ship?

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 10:12

ok. in terms of just range and speed - which one is better? my problem with the kgv is that i can never
get in range

  • Re : Dreadnaught or Dunk?

    12. 21. 2010 10:01

I've never used the Dreadnaught, but I did grind for a long period in the Dunk. In terms
of crew both ships hold the same, lvl requirement is close enough to be negligible so both
will level same amount at about the same percentage of xp gain.

On paper, the Dunk has better turning force, larger gun space, and greater DP (none of
which make a huge difference but just something to keep in mind). The spread on the dunk
is rather iffy, even with 120 gunners, however the speed is rather nice and the ship plays
fairly well. I would also take into consideration playing style. I am not sure what
setup you are using for the KGV, but if you are playing it as a blockshotting 2 turret
ship and not liking it, Dunk will not be much different, whereas the dreadnaught will be
played as more of a broadside ship.

In terms of range, at BB1-3, there is going to be no quick fix for range (save playing
BB1-3 rooms with a KM line, rental or EBB2).

Now if your looking between the two in terms of prizes for the event, my recommendation
would probably be to go with an EBB as a dunk could always be purchased later.
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