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  • I'm loving the 11"L triples.

    12. 22. 2010 17:08

I just started using them on my Gniesenau 1943, and I'm doing much more damage
than the Bissy dual 15"Ls. Probably for two reasons, my range is a hair more, so all
other BB3s I can outrange and my spread is much better. My gunners are only level
90 (stock 11/11 that came with the server), BVE with 150+ vets, but my spread with
the Bissy guns is still bad. It isn't very consistant with the 11Ls either, but much
better. and the reload rate is almost the same.

I guess I'm saying what every veteran player already knows. You don't need bigger
guns to do more damage. This holds true for almost all ships. My Prinz Eugen can
deal so much more damage with tripple 5.9" at higher levels than any other gun
above them. They can't outrange the 8", but oh the damage they do.

Bottom line, bigger isn't always better. Just ask any honest woman about that.


  • Re : I'm loving the 11

    12. 22. 2010 18:17

The range difference is very tiny, I don't know how you can't use the 15" especially in GB,
where you outrange all bb3 except bismarck or km11".
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