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Royal Navy


  • Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 28. 2010 05:43

Hello! This first post is not the guide; the guide will be the first reply. This is to
prevent a wall of text from appearing at the top of every page, which I know from
experience is annoying. Also, this guide is real-time, so I'm making it up as I go
(I'm currently at the DD phase myself). This will take months and possibly years to
finish. I
know, I know, quit your whining. I'm young; I've got plenty of time, and I'll use as
of it as I want to. Please try not to be so selfish in the future.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 29. 2010 14:01

One thing that everybody missed is that you get 1 extra crew member growth per level at
the Arm. Sailor and Support Sailor class that you can get at level 12. The amount of crew
members matter more than the ability gain the sailor gets in the very very late game when
you're moving towards 40% veterans.

So by leaving the classing to level 15, you're losing 3 crew per sailor (except for the
Special Force sailor), plus all the ability growth they get. That is:
+24 in both Acc and Rld for you future Gunners (+8 per level)
+24 in Aircraft and Fighter, +27 Bomber stats for your future Pilot (+8 and +9 per level)
+30 in Repair and Restore for your future Repairers and Restorer (+2 at nation and +8 at
classing = +10 per level)
+24 in Engine for your future Engineers
+6 in Operating for your Bridge Operator

Sum all those up and you have quite a bit of a loss for classing 3 levels late. Yes you
CAN class them at level 24 if you wanted but everyone would agree that the lost crew and
growth does not get compensated by playing the Newbie Yamato to the level cap.

You should also mention for your O-class part, that you won't be able to see a submerged
sub if you were overheating. So keep your speed and speed-o-meter needle just above the
red zone at all times to ensure sub spotting.

Keep up the effort, I'm sure there are a handful of people out there that will help you
with your attempt at a guide along the way.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 29. 2010 13:28

Agreed with mako both times.

I too know you mean well, but there's soo many old and accurate guides out there
and some are stickied. This guide will just end up backing up the recommended
setups for the UK ships...

I don't see a point of a "in progress" guide for a nation that has been out since
beta. This was acceptable when MN was released because nobody had any
accurate information on the guns/ships, but that was nearly 2 years ago.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 29. 2010 13:22

Q-Class? Hmph. Never saw that in the ship tree. Must be a remodel of the O-

and thats where i stopped reading.

the Q class is the best RN DD, and having played through all 4 'original' nations in the
top 3 of any nations DD, but the difference is you get it at a much earlier level than the
Z99, DDX or simakaze.

so if you have got this far in reading this, and your new to RN ships get a O class re mod
it as soon as you can to a Q class and DONT BUY ANY OTHER DD. hell i stayed in mine till i
got to emerald (starkiller thats the ECL and not in the main ship tree) and then tiger
(starkiller thats a PCL and thats not in the ship tree either). my main RN crew is at lv
107 now but i always have a blitz level crew in my HQ just so i can use the Q and emerald
when i feel like a giggle in blitz. 4" trips rock for close in stuff. yes 4" trips are on my
emerald too.

oh and dont bother with any restorer (unless your going SS then you can use it on the R
mount) the SD cap is set at 900 so by the time your at BB5 you should have or have nearly
capped out on SD with no restorer.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 29. 2010 08:30


1. the reason why ppl say youre noob for classing them at lvl 15 is because there
each nation has a set of specific growth bonus. i.e. km gives a bonus to the eng
ability and uk gives a bonus to rep+restore abilities. on top of that at lvl 12 you are
able to class sailors to armament/support..etc which also gives extra growth. since
the sailors ability is merely an original value plus the growth value per level, you can
see that by classing sailors at lvl 15 will be you would not gain that extra growth
(and therefore ability) you shouldve had if you classed at lvl 12.

2. the fastest way to lvl up in the ''first 15 lvls'' is actually playing blitz (at least from
lvl6 onwards), by playing and staying till the end of the game (whether you die or
not) you will gain a lot more exp comparitively than playing missions. all the high lvl
players will agree with me on this one and i estimate you can achieve lvl 12 without
prem account in less than 3 hours reguardless if you win or lose. this is a lot quicker
than your suggested 8 or so hours of grinding a mission.

3. its nice to know somone included the aspect of credits in their guides, however
new players are all blessed with 500k points and credits at the beginning of the
game if i remmeber correctly, which if they play blitz/gb2 and lvl up that way will be
more than plenty to purchase all the ships they have access to as they lvl up.

4. honestly speaking i havn't read the ''guide'' past the ''1st 15 lvls'' part so i can't
comment on the other sections. it was nice of you to start writing the guide and i
appreciate the effort youve made to try and help you players on their way, but like
others have mentioned before me, please get your facts right, otherwise you would
be doing the exact opposite to helping new players on their way.

5. in terms of language used in a guide i would reccomend that you edit your
sentences so they include precise and useful info rather than things like ''i will quit
writing now because my browser is not working, going to teach it a lesson... ...looks
like my browser learnt its lesson quicker than i expected...etc'' its good to be casual
and fun but its tedious to read a guide that has too much irrelevent info.

6. please take my suggestions onboard if you are serious about writing a guide,
seek high lvl players for tips and so on. if this is a joke than ive wasted my time
replying lol but good luck and enjoy the game

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 29. 2010 08:24

@ Lanthanide: thnx for helping me out.

At the beginning of every GB I participate in, I start out in the back row. This gives me
plenty of space to test the newest guns. I'm currently testing replacing the hedgehogs
with x2 4.7"/45 QF Marks XIX D, which, although means less ASW, means that you have more
firepower for that odd DD or maybe even CL encounter. I test every new gun I get access
to against the x2 4.5"/45 QF Mark V L, since I've been using that gun for several battles
and I know it's capabilities, therefore giving me a base to compare stats to.

If anyone has a setup (guns/ammo/armor/sailors/etc.) that isn't shown on this guide, and
you think is better, just post it, and I'll try it out.

This is also not a joke thread. Yes, there is a lot of humor, and yes, there's probably
too much, but this isn't a joke.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 29. 2010 07:00

I say give him a chance. If he says he can provide a guide, so be it. You all know the
hornet's nest I stirred up a few months back with my own guide to the US submarines.

Provide pictures with your guide star, more players will thank you for it. Also, ask for a
higher level player to help you out once in a while to get the facts straight.

If you see me in-game, give me a call. :)


  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 28. 2010 20:41

Yeah im pretty sure this is a joke thread. sad to see i wasted 5 minutes.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 28. 2010 20:09

I actually had a lot more to say but decided to delete. This is a joke thread
right? I'm not going to play anymore, I feel foolish for replying at all.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 28. 2010 19:32

Q-Class? Hmph. Never saw that in the ship tree. Must be a remodel of the O-
Class. In any event, I've never used UK before. I've stuck with KM, US, and IJN

There are also other reasons for my choosing to go training BB route. FF's are
practically worthless; I've rarely seen a frigate other than an X or Y that wasn't
anything but target practice, even for a DD. Their too low in level to load any ASW
weapons or anything that can do damage (again, this doesn't include X's or Y's).
The only two useful frigates, X and Y types, require you to have a completely neutral
crew, and as such, would be in the wrong nation.

  • Re : Starkiler's Ultimate FF to BB Guide (UK)

    12. 28. 2010 19:30

"-There is no cost for rebuilding your ship when it gets sunk (since you're not dying)"

First of all, this shouldn't be an issue during the first 20 or so levels because FF/DD/CL
costs nothing to repair.

Also, you would level up much faster and get more credits by playing GB1/GB2 or Blitz,

I don't really care if you're rude or not, but you shouldn't be giving out bad advice.
There are plenty of guides and posts out there written by much more experienced players,
that are more concise and precise.
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