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U.S Navy


  • Barracuda ---> Cachalot reload time.

    01. 08. 2011 10:39

I recently got my US SS4 (yay).

The US SS3 and SS4 both use the (Lv 58) 21' Mark12 S Launcher. However, I have
noticed that considerable increase in my reload time compared to my SS3. If the SS3
and SS4 use the same Torpedo Launcher why have my sailors suddenly forgotten how
to use the darn thing?!?

Am I going crazy? Or does this phenomenon fall under the same strange logic that you
need a lvl 76 torpedo man to fire a lvl 58 torpedo launcher on an SS4.


  • Re : Barracuda ---> Cachalot reload time.

    01. 10. 2011 10:48

Thanks nubbles.

I reloaded the sailor on the ship and vuala.

  • Re : Barracuda ---> Cachalot reload time.

    01. 09. 2011 00:16

In theory, this shouldn't happen. But this being NF, you can't count on theories alone.

All I can think of is this: Did you lose considerable amounts of vets/experts recently?

Also, try removing your torpedomen from your sub and then putting them back. I've had firing
problems the other day, and this fixed my problem.

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