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  • Armour on York & Sirius

    01. 09. 2011 19:23

I have read in some post, and maybe not fully understanding some info, that belt armour
does not necessarily need to be too thick.

Would 0.3" be just fine? I have placed 3.0" thick and still got shot up badly. Moreover,
due to that thickness, my deck (), buldge (), and speed are compromised.

What should I do? How much (Deck, Belt, Bulge) is enough?

  • Re : Armour on York & Sirius

    01. 10. 2011 03:28

1. NEVER, and I mean NEVER remodel to Surrey! Why? It cant carry the 8" Triple L Gun. The
York does. And those guns are simply the best CA guns in game. With decent gunners you
should start to block shot at around lvl55.
2. You dont want any armor on the York, except 0.2" Belt. Why? 0.2" Belt reduces Torpedo
Damage by around 40-50%. More belt is pretty much useless. Same goes for deck. 0" deck is
enough because there you cant put enough deck armor on it for bouncing shells anyways.

Go for speed and (at least in Blitz:) play your range (!!!). Of course you cant do that on
the Hobbit War map,
which ruins the whole experience of blitz btw. York was the king of blitz (80-90% win
ratio with York between levels 53-60) some years ago, and its still awesome...

In GB take care of subs, CLs and the occasional DD that dares to get into your range. Do
not rush. Keep your ship right behind your lines and keep out of the way of your BBs. Use
your scout for your team's sight. Maybe put some hedgehogs on the T-slots...
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