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U.S Navy


  • Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 12. 2011 09:43

just curious what my fellow iowa driver's been getting for exp as of late? I've been
doing the average 50-100k attack per game and getting about 15k exp per win on a
gold account... thoughts anyone?

....p.s. no recent thread about this has been posted so don't flame

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 13. 2011 07:35

Okay , to make all non -believers shut up, i managed to find my Exp Screenys!
The 90k+ Exp game, one week after getting an iowa :D

The game i forgot to mention, around 5 days later.

Screeny says it all.

It is very possible to get over 100k in an iowa and average 35-50k with prem.
DONT SHOOT CAs,CLs,DDs,FFs...time your attacks well and use THE AWESOME IOWA TO

If you have any questions, dont ask.

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 13. 2011 01:54

Don't you start by not reading properly as well Bong :)

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 13. 2011 01:22

But what about what you said earlier nubbles?

"The most I did on a Gold account was 25k exp with ~200k attack.
The average I did was around 12-18k exp based off 30k-50k attack. "

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 13. 2011 00:52

"When you're in an Iowa, you should always get at least 90-150k attack. If all you're
shooting are FFs, DDs, CLs, and CAs, you will get terrible experience; around 30k.

Shooting capital ships like BB3-5 and the occasional BB6 will boost the experience you'll
gain. 100K attack against these ships should give you at least 50-80k experience. Most
I've gotten was 154k by sinking a various of ships above."

Don't know about AZ, but in NY it doesn't go down the drain that easily. On most good
days where occasionally the CVs cooperate and there are little to no AA, this is what
we get (100k+ attack in most games). However, with the rise in AA noobs, many of the
good CVs switched to BW (combined with the retarded BBs we have there as well). Most
of the games, whether you are on the winning or losing side, are pretty much based on

Nevertheless, I have gone up to 200k attack, and barely reach 80k exp (with prem and event,
but not from shooting CAs and CVs, but from killing various BB4s and 5s) 100k attack produce
the standard 50k exp with the same circumstances.

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 13. 2011 00:25

Obsessed is correct (minimum of 80k attack and about 35-45k exp) and instead of asking
Obsessed to post pics, lets do it the other way around, prove that you get measly exp on
an Iowa with premium and 100k attack on same or higher tier bbs

Highest I got was 230k attack on a friend's Iowa (got the screenies, but not the exp), but
I forgot the exp I got, around
75-80k exp if I remember it correctly (no event, just premium subscription)

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 13. 2011 00:08

Highest Ever EXP in an iowa was 92k with event and prem,
Standard Exp with prem was around 30-45kexp averaging 90-100k+ Attack per game

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 12. 2011 22:57

You guys are doing it wrong lol. Pay attention to what Obsessed says since he is actually
useful to his team in his Iowa.

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 12. 2011 22:06


I don't think I can believe you :)
I had like 254k attack all from sinking BB's, sank 2 (BB5's) and some other BB's I
shot, and I got something of 45k EXP.

Do you have any pics to prove your ridiculously high EXP?

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 12. 2011 11:42

the thing is I routinely spare dd's and cl's and go for the bb4's+

  • Re : Standard Exp in an Iowa

    01. 12. 2011 11:40

When you're in an Iowa, you should always get at least 90-150k attack. If all you're
shooting are FFs, DDs, CLs, and CAs, you will get terrible experience; around 30k.

Shooting capital ships like BB3-5 and the occasional BB6 will boost the experience you'll
gain. 100K attack against these ships should give you at least 50-80k experience. Most
I've gotten was 154k by sinking a various of ships above.
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