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Marine Nationale


  • Sub question

    01. 29. 2011 14:22

Hey sub drivers,

Now i almost got me Redoutable, i expect some speed and air from it....
Well, is it really that fast and can it stay underwater from some times?

I was about to put on:
2 torpers
1 bo
1 sonar
1 planes
1 engy (2 if theres space on support slot)
1 rep (on gun slot?)

Will the rep work on the gun slot?
Is it worth it?

  • Re : Sub question

    01. 30. 2011 11:45

Ok thanks.

But will the rep/rest on the gun slot add any to your SD?
My current SD (soft defence) is like 268 now, and i can stay underwater for 2.45
My time to restore air (from empty to full) is like 1.15 minute.

Most of the time i try to surface on clouds.
Anyway whats a nice amount of SD for ss3? (redoutable)

  • Re : Sub question

    01. 30. 2011 07:18

No matter how many reps you put on, it wouldn't help, subs only real protection is to
stay submerged on the surface you are a dead duck, even a DD will kill you with a
couple of salvos.

What you need to do is to only surface when a gun armed vessel attention is else
where to top up your air. On average you have ten seconds before a BB or anyone
else for that matter, spots you and fires. You can get 40 seconds of air in that 10
seconds if you are using a SS4.

With your air tanks fully charged on a SS4 you have a dive time of 3:30, dropping by
30 secs for each level.

  • Re : Sub question

    01. 30. 2011 05:31

Yes. All my crew (except BO) are BVE

My question is, i want SD (soft defence) so BB's wont kill me that fast (if i surface).
Because my current SD is 264 but still I'm damaged very fast.

So i want alot of SD, Should i put a Restore, or a repair in the gunslot (For SD)

  • Re : Sub question

    01. 30. 2011 04:54

Firstly don't bother with a gunner, it's next to useless on a sub, rep will not work on
the gun slot. If you have two engineers then put them on, they'll give you more
speed , which is always a help.

Ensure your, planesman, sonar and torps have their full compliment as they will
improve your air supply, detection and accuracy/reload respectively.

Then it's down to you, driving a sub is about planning ahead and being aware of
what's around you ( a bit like chess). I think there's more skill involved but I'm
biased. My crew are all lvl 120 on a Uk R class.

Hope I've been of help.

  • Re : Sub question

    01. 30. 2011 01:37

Please can anbody answer my questions?
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