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Marine Nationale


  • MN FAQ

    03. 01. 2011 22:05

seeing how the MN forum section does not have one yet i figured id write one up to
answer some common questions, and for those that are new to the game and need
some quick info to help them decide what nation to choose

first off: <------ the NF version of the bible, you should visit this at least once
during your rage filled NF life

genral info

why go MN?
great speed, you will hit the SD cap early, high shell damage, long range AA with a
decent reload, powerful bombers, and (although not the best) decent fighters, small
size, scouts and bombers have a huge amount of fuel

why not to go MN...
bad spread, BB 3-4 are generally considered bad (although i loved the stras) low
ammo count, MN's "standard" AA gun lacks firepower, and you will most likely be
nerfed to hell and back after the soviets are patched in and MN gets its balance.
(enjoy it while you can :p )

how do MN's BB stack up to other nations?
MN's BB1 (ive only used the courbet) is (in my opinion) one of if not the best BB1, the
lyon and normandie (BB 2's) have the power to one shot a yammy (provided all shells
hit) which is unlikely due to your shotgun spread (even with EBVE acc gunners) the
paris has a good spread, speed, firepower, a large AA battery, and a small size which
is why many people stay with the paris and skip MN's BB3, and sometimes 4.
(thanks to dresico ) The Bretagne has a backwards-renown style for AA guns(which
is really good!) the Lorraine is a little slower Bretagne with bad AA but more support
slots. The Normandie is probably Tourville size, which is tiinyyyy. With test server
crews, the Tourville reaches 38/64 speed with 5.1" quads and 3 binds, which is more
speed than all the other MN CAs.

should i go down the normandie, or lyon line?
if you want to focus more on firepower go down the lyon line
if you want to focus more on speed go down the normandie line

why is the richelieu/alsace ammo count so low?
according to SDE its one of the cons for MN, however many disagree and think it
should be fixed. wait till MN gets balanced after the soviets get patched in

what AA guns should i use?
generally you will use the lvl 20 3.9's as they are long ranged, light weight and have
a decent reload speed. you can also check out this chart and decide for yourself

should i focus my gunner base more on acc or reload?
the reload cap is harder to reach than the accuracy cap, that being said focusing
more on reload may be a good choice, however due to MN's poor spread you may
want to focus on accuracy in order to have the best spread possible at lvl. the choice
is ultimately up to you.

should i use regular gunners or mac. gunners?
use regular gunners and focus on reload. the AAW stat is broken.


how should my support crew look?
genrally 4 engy's 3 reps and a scout. for BB6 5 engys as overheat time is not capped,
however if you cannot BVE your crew you may want to use 4 reps to reach the repair
cap easier.

should i use AA or use the slots for more reps?
almost every MN BB has a great AA battery, and i would generaly reccoment taking
advantage of it, however if you want to use the slots for reps in order to use more
engys that is up to you.

are MN's subs any good?
yes they are. they have decent speed, good torp power, and you get your rear torps
early on.

how to MN's bombers stack up?
currently they are the best in every way

how do MN's fighters stack up?

USN has without a doubt the best fighters, and MN comes in a very close second with
KM as their pilots have the same amount of ablility, however their planes are not
quite as good, that however will not cause you to lose every dogfight with german
fighters as the CV patch has made fighter ability much more important than the
planes stats.

i see kitas creating massive torp walls can i do that?
no, now please stop trying

should i use a seaman or medic?
either one, however since CV crew death was greatly reduced a medic isnt as useful
as it once was. seaman abilities stack (as far as i know) so having two seamen is an
option, or a seaman and medic if you dont want to lose your experts

MN doesent have a medic, do i use USN's or KM's medic?
as far as i know bolth of them will work on MN ships


-most have torps on bolth sides allowing you to fire off 2 salvos before having to go
about the lengthy reload
-powerful guns
-mogador is one of the best DD's

-short range

links to check out:
spyboy007's DD guide


- large amounts of T slots allowing for effective ASW or for torps (i do not recommend
using torps past DD's as it waste a sailor slot)
- fast
- ECL like the german version is a very good AA platform
- powerful guns

-pluton is absolute junk (its not even a good mine layer, which is what the real life
pluton was) however with the lvl 49 heavies this changes, although the odds are you
will not be making a return to this ship
- at lvl AA (if your using the 3.5's) lacks sufficient reload to make up for its weak
hitting power
- other AA guns reaload slow at lvl

links to check out:
rehors gun/engine setup guide


-high SD for their lvl
-awsome AA platforms as well as being great for blitz

-MN's bad spread is even more noticable at this lvl

links to check out:
rehors gun/engine setup guide


- fast
- small
- reaches SD cap early
- guns hit hard
- AA is great for scout sniping

- lack of ammo
- short range
- shotgun spread

links to check out:
rehors BB/ engine setup guide

general BB guides

-powerful bombers
- great fighters
- small size
- fast

well to be honest, im currently running an MN FW crew, and nothing has stood out as
a major disadvantage yet... expect nerfs (although USN fighters will still beat you
almost every time depending on lvl)

links to check out:
CV guide list

patch info (as if anyone honestly cares :p )
created MN FAQ

added general information, fixed a few spelling errors, and added CV links

edited the BB infromation

will update/add to tommorow, open to suggestions/ corrections


  • Re : MN FAQ

    03. 02. 2011 10:34

thanks for the info

  • Re : MN FAQ

    03. 02. 2011 09:08

Pluton roxxors with the 3.9" "surprise"

  • Re : MN FAQ

    03. 02. 2011 01:45

nice guide but you need to redo the links... the links you post probably not comple and
ends up broken...

why does everybody under estimate pluton :(...

its fun to play at higher level before ecl haven't introduce, when your gunner can access
the level 49, 3.9" duals that has a fast reload and nice spread and have same or less .1cm
that the 6" of mn


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