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  • New Super IJN BB.

    05. 19. 2011 05:31

Now, many of you will have seen the announcement about this ship:

Now, the intention is to give this to TNF members and let them play it in events where the
idea is whoever kills one wins, or a fleet wins if it kills a number of them. I think
this is not exactly a great idea, MODs already get the benefits of the MOD subscription,
why should they get the fun of this Behemoth?

As honourable as using this to give out prizes is, I think this is a mistake. I think
this game has existed long enough for those members who have been here through thick and
thin to be rewarded. Now, this is a big anniversary coming up, but it is also a good
number of years since this game went from Beta to P2P (and then back to free with prem

I think that players who have been around and ACTIVE since Beta should be rewarded with
one of these ships with a limited number of uses (lets call it 10). These ships should be
usable by all nations so anyone with a lvl 120 crew can use them and should be limited to
use in BB Rooms and GB (not usable in fleet events such as HA).

There has never been any thank you from SDE for players supporting this game, I myself
have been here coming up to 6 years and have never been told "Hey, Thanks for supporting
this game. We know we don't always get it right but we appreciate your continued support
(financial and through playing)." I think that some sort of gesture from SDE recognising
that some players have shown an incredible patience and dedication to this game should be

I know that a lot of players will complain if this happens and they don't get one, but the
fact is, a lot of players in this game have given up so much of their free time over the
years to improve this game, Adalbert and Sovereign to name but 2 with countless more
involved with making guides, ONF, Fleet Wars and Fleet League. I think it is high time
that older players get the "Thank You" they deserve.


  • Re : New Super IJN BB.

    05. 19. 2011 10:27

I tend to be a traditionalist so I am a bit biased in introducing a monstrosity into a
game, it would really make it pointless. Now that said I do like your suggestion of
offering a special ship to people who have been active for a number of years, but then
again there are plenty of event rewards and ships that if you have supported NF you would
probably have one or two by now.

My 2 cents.

  • Re : New Super IJN BB.

    05. 19. 2011 09:34

RECC! They can make the super yamato like the yamato of a later date, like in their plans
or something and they can call this the super yamato.

  • Re : New Super IJN BB.

    05. 19. 2011 09:21

"TNF members shouldn't get this ship, I should get it."

How convincing.

  • Re : New Super IJN BB.

    05. 19. 2011 06:23

I don't see how you would validate the account and make sure it's the same person. I
mean, someone that bought a really old account 2 years ago would be just as qualified
as the person who's been playing for 7 years or whatever.

I'm not sure I like how the application/vetting process would turn out.

I just assume work on new content to be released for the entire community instead of
working on specialized ships that an extreme minority will use on an extremely limited

As for thanking long time players, meh. I've gotten some pretty sweet stuff through
events and fleet wars. I'd really like new and balanced content to play. Not too big on
novelties that I can barely use.
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