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Tip and Tactics


  • Easy way to kill subs that are higher level than you.

    03. 03. 2010 15:11

When i was an SS1 like some people out there, i always got annoyed that they would kill
me. Well here's a tip, you can set long range and short range torpedoes, so start off by
shooting 1 slow torpedo then critical diving to avoid there torps. (If you are IJN you
should still have 5 torps left so you don't have to do this.) Quickly switch to maximum
velocity and fast torps, rise out of the critical diving and rush the sub. when you are
about 2-1.5 inches away you launch them for the nose of the sub. (hint: nose is weakest
part of the sub) (I have taken out a 900 SD sub on the nose with 4 maximum velocity
torps). Once you master this your ASW moves in your SS will become easy and will come 2nd
nature to you. It has worked well for me, and I'm level 91 and i have over 600 sub kills
and i have only played for 6 months! That's an average of 100 sub kills a month!
This is not a post of subs being overpowered, this is a post to help SS1's and 2's learn
to deal with those high level subs!

  • Re : Easy way to kill subs that are higher level than you.

    03. 03. 2010 19:10

beautiful :D not sure just how you figure that the nose is the weakest part, but im
not complaining...

also, ss1 is the best ASW ship. it has a small hitbox and 3 torps is normally enough
to cripple all but ss4s
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