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Royal Navy


  • UK Dive Bombers

    08. 23. 2010 11:05

So Im training my UK cv crew and am wondering. Word around is that UK Dive bombers suck
something aweful, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to have some dive bombers or just go all
torp bomber's I've trained up 4 torpers and was thinking about turning two into dive bombers.
I've been playing gb2 and find I can't punch threw all the bulge out there so will a UK diver
be able to punch threw better then a torper or should I just stick it out with the torper's?

  • Re : UK Dive Bombers

    08. 23. 2010 14:11

From what I read its not best or worst, it how you use the bombers. The RN DB
don't have the damage vs other nations DB but if you like to dive bomb RN DB
will not let you down. I had a chance to play my brothers RN cv he has a mix
of TB and DB pilots, and where I liked the DB he like the TB more.

  • Re : UK Dive Bombers

    08. 23. 2010 11:39

Before MN UK had the best Torp Bombers, personaly I think someone at SDE
thought that sinking the bismark with an outdated plane means ALL UK TB were
uber epic, but on a side note You can compare the bombs and torpedos as they are
what is actually doing damage, however UK TB seem to be more AAW resistant,
corse it could also just be lots of BVE UK TBers out there, I dont play uk CV but do
IJN and US the main thing with TB is to get alot of them to make a spread because
rarely will you ever get a ship that ignoes Torps.


  • Re : UK Dive Bombers

    08. 23. 2010 11:15

in the long run, the dive bombers are going to be the worst for sure. and the
torpedo bombers are the second best in the game (MN being first).

i would recommend not using dive bombers but its your choice and how you want
the play, you can have 2 of each, i've personally tried that and i didnt like it too much.

in the long run the torps are better than the dive bombers.
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