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Royal Navy


  • UK SS advantages?

    10. 06. 2010 10:46

does anyone know what advantages Uk subs have over other nations?
I know KM have proximity torps and IJN has longer distance torps but just wondering what
UK has to offer

  • Re : UK SS advantages?

    10. 06. 2010 19:31

Since UK benefits from the +2 rep and +2 restore national attributes, our SS are a
bit more survivable than other nation's subs. In my SS3, I'm around 600 SD with 1
rep and 1 engy onboard.

However, our subs don't seem to have any other advantage that I can tell.
Personally, I've been suffering from 30-40% duds as of late, and our torpedo
damage is average.

Our subs are not very fast either....
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