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U.S Navy


  • BB7

    04. 04. 2011 00:13

i thought that if each country got a leval 7 battleship. the US BB could have five
turrets and be capable of handling any sized gun. then it could be comparable to the
Amagi of Japan. the ship would have the same features as the Iowa, montana and
nebraska with 3 turrets in the front and 2 in back, anythoughts??

  • Re : BB7

    04. 04. 2011 05:41

No. Just.... no.

BB5 represent the absolute peak of battleship design and construction that was actually
considered to be theoretically possible. BB6, therefore, take us into the realm of
complete fiction, in which SDE asked, "What if historical and technical limitations went
out the window and money/time/resources were no object? What might the ultimate
battleships look like?"

And so the BB6 are the ultimate ships in the game, achievable only at the highest level,
and by the most dedicated players. There is simply no room for anything bigger and badder,
at least not without increasing the level cap, which would kind of make reaching these
"ultimate" ships irrelevant.

Seriously, man, you might as well ask for laser battleships. Go play Warship Gunner 2.


  • Re : BB7

    04. 04. 2011 00:58

yeah but having a ship of enormous size would be awesome and not to mention
intimidating. plus with more turrets you could take on more people at a time. also a
higher leval ship with more space for armour and things like that would make
someone hard to bring down.

  • Re : BB7

    04. 04. 2011 00:25

This, or something similar to this has been discussed.

Edit: Can't find the original thread.

Final Edit: There is no reason for larger size guns. The nebraska's full salvo is plenty
strong enough, the damage is somewhere in the 56k+ range. Furthermore, the
Nebraska's guns outrange the Amagi. You might want to actually try to reach this
ship before suggesting improvements. NF physics do not equal real world physics.
It's been shown hundreds of times.

Edit: changed the salvo damage to 56 area
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