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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • IJN FAQ: Read this first

    12. 18. 2008 00:39

v 2.3, September 1 2009

In order to cut down on redundant topics, and help inform people about major points of the
IJN, I've created this FAQ. I'm open to suggestions on any points that need to be added
or changed.

Q. Hyper or Special torpedomen?

A. Sort version: Special. Long version: Special is available 4 levels earlier, offers a
larger plus to torpedo skill, and has an additional level of classing available. All of
which combine to offer much better torpedo skill and true ability, making capping easier.

Q. Fuso or Ise (1937)?

A. Ise if your play-style involves a lot of running or if you want the CV remodel. Fuso
otherwise. the Ise has 2 forward and 4 aft turrets, so its broadsides are less even
(worse spread) and can't hit as hard while rushing, but can offer better stern fire. The
Ise (in my opinion) looks better, but that's not the best of reasons for choosing a ship...

Q. I'm level 12 and just got my Kagero. Where are the torpedo launchers?

A. The first set of torpedo launchers isn't available until you have armament sailors at
level 14.

Q. How should I armor?

A. If torps are a major issue: 0.2" belt and add bulge to just before you loose 1 knot.
This can be increased if they remain an overwhelming problem. If they are a moderate or
minor issue, 0.2" belt and bulk to almost loosing 1 knot. If they are a non-issue,
bulkhead as per before. Actual AWing may be possible with the Dhonburi, but don't count
on it anywhere else. IJN armor quality and ship displacements make serious armored
configurations impossible.

Q. When/how should I class my AA gunners?

A. Armarment Sailor at 12, Chief DP Gunner at or after level 62. Unless you are going for
the 40% vet cap, or use AA guns on ships before the B65 Project, do not class from
Armament Sailor earlier. With typical crews, you'll hit the reload cap about 5 levels
earlier than if you had classed on time. This may not a huge difference, but it helps and
avoids the frustrations of poor performance on earlier ships. Level 80 would be optimal,
but the offers almost no additional gain. If you are aiming for minimal weight (*cough*
Aingeal *cough*), class as late as you can stand. contains additional discussion.

Q. Which CV line should I take? (Hosho or Junyo?)

A. Whichever one you want; they are both pretty much balanced. See and for details.

Q. How should I setup $ship?

A. or do a search for that
ship. Torpedo choices are usually wider than gun ones. Use judgement with old threads,
as some useless gunsets (eg: dual 18.1", dual 12" 1905) have been deleted in various patch
cycles, and BBs are more restricted in what guns they can carry (eg: no 16.1" D on the Kongo)

Q. What ships should use I torpedoes on?

A. Yes: Kagero, Fubuki, Tatsuda, Simakaze, Kuma, Kuma-kai, Kitakami.
Maybe: Akitsuki, Akitsuki-kai, Yubari, Agano, Oyodo, Mogami (1944), Ise (1943).
No: Anything else. Especially not the Mogami CL, any CA or any BB.

Q. Which guns blockshot/how good do my gunners have to be?

A. The Triple 6.1"/60 Type 3 N and D variants. You'll need good base accuracy (11+ most
likely), boosts, 100+ vets, and lots of experts. Even then, you're looking at only a fake
block at late blitz levels. However, these guns have issues similar to the KM's triple
5.9s; they are shorter ranged and softer hitting than the approrpiate CA guns (7.9" and 8"
duals). They also are somewhat questionable at the CL level for the same reason.

Q. Is $weapon worth using?

A. Maybe. See,,
or search for previous topics. Note that the dual 20.1" Type 98A and will not be until
the ONF BB56 patch. Also, the dual 16.1" Type 90 gun are still of questionable value.

Q. I have an Oyodo (or other CV), how should I use it?

A. Hybrid CVs (Oyodo, Mogami
(1944), Ise (1943)) should generally use their R and T-slots. Also, if your CV/crew is
low enough to enter Blitz, try going there. You'll have a much less frustrating time, and
will probably be more useful to your team.

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    01. 02. 2009 04:02

Bulkhead only helps to keep your current speed even if your ship is damaged.

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    01. 01. 2009 23:25

Might as well keep overheat for a few hundred more DP if you can do so without loosing any
cruise/overheat speed.

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    01. 01. 2009 20:53

How does Bulkhead armor help against torpedoes or anything?


  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 29. 2008 15:14

...And it's updated a bit.

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 26. 2008 21:07

"Should IJN CVs use TBs or DBs or both?"

Typically, most people would either opt for a heavier emphasis on DBs, or run both (but
more DBing/DB pilots than TBing/TB pilots). However, for the players that are either
experienced, skilled, or considering into the long term, we tend to choose TBing as a far
better solution than DBing.

TB advantages compared to DB:
+torps do more damage.
+high level TBs become highly resilient to AAW (or even immune), and since TBing doesn't
require the plane to reach high altitudes prior to releasing the bomb/torpedo, TBing run a
smaller risk of getting AA'ed. This is especially an advantage as a good many CV players
mindlessly run bombers (TB and DB alike) into enemy AA. With TBs, flying them barely above
the water does not create additional hassle prior to bombing as DBing would (given that
you would have to raise your bombers at least to slightly below max altitude to drop the
+buldge is not repairable during battle, and other armor types (belt, buldge, bulkhead,
deck) do not negate torp damage. In addition, in order to armor whore, one needs to add up
the deck; fortunately, deck does not reduce torp damage. While 0.2 belt can reduce torp
damage by half, it is still better than the damage reduction armor whores have against DBs
(because DBs drop shell-like bombs from high angle, which are considered similar to gun

TB disadvantages compared to DB:
-low level TBs are extremely vulnerable to AAW if flown at low angles.
-torps have a slightly higher chance of missing the target (especially fast moving ones).

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 26. 2008 20:26

meh, pretty basic, but not bad.

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 26. 2008 14:39

Well actually i dont know the answer for this one but maybe it should be in FAQ and
answered by someone with more experience than me

Should IJN CVs use TBs or DBs or both?

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 19. 2008 22:04

Q: Why does IJN support suck?
A: Because IJN isn't UK, aka Extremely Imbalanced.

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 19. 2008 10:08

what about 13+ reload boosted gunners? :D

  • Re : IJN FAQ

    12. 19. 2008 07:53

Nice. I think I saw it somewhere before that class at 80 is the optimal solution. Of
course that was all just talk but now finally someone has data to back up that claim.
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