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Marine Nationale


  • Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 14:56

Now that I am among the MN BB players, here's some basic stuff to get the rest of you

  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 19:21

Somebody give me a screenshot of a range test between a SoDak, Colorado, and Dunk and I'll
add it to the main.

  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 19:19

If you include the dunk, where would its range stand?

  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 17:49

All the guns are there. There were some other errors that I fixed.

BB2 quads range the Paris duals . . . don't ask me why.

  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 17:31

You missed Normandie's range on the comparative "BB range" figure. *lvl 65* It isn't there.

By the way, how come Lyon has more range than Paris O_o?


  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 15:46


  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 15:02

Congrats on BB and thanks for another useful table.

  • Re : Basic French BB Gun/Engine Setup

    02. 20. 2010 14:56


Paris will go overweight at high levels with the level 71 2 x 13.4" on all six R mounts.

Lyon and Normandie can fit the level 81 4 x 13" (Strasbourg guns) with one bind and severe
displacement issues. Don't bother.

For an at-level Paris and Lorraine, the BC II engine will give you a lower base speed but
a better overheat speed due to an immensely stupid overheat ratio for the CA I engine. In
general, you'll probably just have to buy them both to see how they will work with your
current engineer setup.

11/20/2010 Edit:

I now cannot recommend the CA I engine for the Paris or Lorraine until (very likely)
you're well into Alsace or you nuke kickass'd your engineers very early. I put five level
103's on the Lorraine, unboosted with 90-100 vets on each, and the CA I engine was running
25/39. The BC II capped 24/40 well before that.
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