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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • The Agano Guide

    11. 09. 2005 15:51

WARNING: This guide is aimed at beginners, so expert players please do not be shocked when
you read some of the things you will be readin :)

<Updated to include all of the changes and/or different viewpoints of issues discussed>

Now, most of you have at one point or another complained about the Agano. I find
that to be a bit harsh on the lovely ship that I currently occupy. :) So here is, in one
place, the best Agano configuration that I was able to come up with, mostly by
taking parts of advice from other people, and then trying it out on my own.

1) The Configuration
1 x Agano CL (well, obviously :))
1 x CL Aiming FCS I
1 x CL Power Plant I - Heavy
3 x 2x7.9 B D (4 binds of ammo (HE normal) per gun for a total of 160 shells)
1 x 24" Type 90 Launcher x4 (with 12 torpedoes)
NO Armour

2) The Explanation:

CL Aiming FCS I:
It's really the only one available to you, but please choose Aiming over Auto. Why?
Well, asides from the obvious accuracy advantage, the Aiming allows you to
converge your shots all at one spot, unlike the Auto which leaves all lines parallel to
each other. Might take some learning, but trust me, it's worth it.

CL Power Plant I - Heavy:
Though Light would give you more space and more overheat time (thus easier to
dodge torps), you really need the fast overall cruising speed to be able to get away
from the thick of the fight - remeber, that line of DDs wont hold forever.

3 x 2x7.9 B D:
Simply to put, these are the most powerful guns that you can put on the Agano.
People say that the 3x 3x6.1s are good as well, but I find that they dish out a great
deal less damage even with Heavy shells (250 on average per shell, compared to
650 on average with the 7.9's) Now then, the problem really lies in space - the
Agano has 120, and any other variant other than the B D leaves you with very little
space to put shells on. Therefore, equip the BD, and if you are THAT keen on range,
get the Light shells (which will do about 550 per shell on average).
<NEW NOTES> Now, I've heard people say that you MUST use the light shells. To be honest,
it's also important to remember that lvl 30-ish gunners do NOT have good spread on long
ranges, so the chances of hitting something very far away drop astronomically. More on the
role of normal/light explained further on.

1 x 24" Type 90 Launcher x4:
USE ONLY IN EXTREME CIRCUMSTANCES. Most people will buy the Agano just after
they came out of their Tsukikei (well, not almost since you need the money) - and
will therefore have their gunners several levels ahead of their torp man in most
cases. Thus, do not rely on your torps too much, and try and remember that your
torp men are not as good as other people's. Try to use wide spread and fast torps
for maximum effect. I know the temptation to rush and use torps again after the
huge pause with Tsukikei will be tempting, but you have to restrain yourself since
the Agano is an awful front-line ship. In short, to recap, use only when a pesky DD
comes close to you.

People think this is stupid, but it all has its meaning, and will be explained a bit more
in the strategy when it comes to using the Agano, but bear with me for now - the
Agano will, I repeat, WILL NOT be engaging in front-line combat - you do NOT need
armour, you need speed.
People have stated that you must have some deck/belt in case you find yourself under fire.
It is in the end your choice whether you want to feel safe, or if you want to run away.
Personally, I have always made it a priority to run away from any engagement that
threatened to bring fire upon me, because IJN armour and Agano's hide are both as thin as
rice paper.

3) The Strategy:
General Battles:
Dont mash the F button the moment the light turns green - there is no reason really,
you are not here to TW, and you are not built for front-line combat. Instead, take a
leisurely northern/southern course, and take time to adjust your manual aiming.
Adjust for convergence at maximum range and give yourelf a salvo or two in order to
make sure that you have the reload time memorised. By the time you hit mid-map,
the TWs will have already released their first load, and the DDs will be taking the
onslaught of those first torpedoes. This is where you kick in. Find groups of enemy
ships if possible, if not, solitary ships not surrounded by allies. Only in extreme
circumstances engage ships that are close to your allies. Time your shots carefully,
as they take a while to reload, but in general be aware of the fact that you MUST
stay at all times behind the line of friendly ships. Usually it's best if you reach the far
north, then turn directly south and proceed with a speed of 10-15 knots, therefore
giving you a stable shooting platform with which to pummel the enemy. Remember
that you do not need to kill enemy ships to get XP, so sailing by and dishing out 2-3k
damage per destroyer is more than adequate. Damage 10 destroyers like that and
you are already talking about 20-30k of shell-induced damage. Should the line
break, turn tail and run, but do so at an angle so that your front guns may still fire at
the enemy and thus slow him down. Remember, you are a GREAT support ship, but
an awful front liner.
Now, some people have suggested to use light HE over normal HE. Again, as explained, I
personally believe that normal HE will do more damage per shell landed, giving you more
ATK, more XP (you only have 6 shells to deal with on a relatively bad spread!). Reason for
this is that your spread will be awful the moment you enter the Agano, therefore you
cannot expect to have a high hit rate on far ranges. Instead, cruise behind your DDs and
shoot the enemy DDs. Enemy DDs will be in your range, while the Allied DDs will take enemy
DD fire. In CL games, stick behind bigger targets such as CA/CL2, wait for CL rushes, and
then pummel away!
Scout Plane:
Should you use HE light, the scout plane is a MUST. You will not see where your shells
land, nor will you be able to spot enemy ships and targets. Furthermore, seeing how the
amount of BBs and CAs has shot up astronomically since the game has gone retail, team-wise
it is good to have scouts and relay information back to your buddies - who will certainly
remember you when that pesky Z99 comes knocking on your door. In general, keep the scout
around should you need to see the overall situation on the battlefield. Scouts = useful!

Hope this helps some people :)

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 11. 2005 15:25

For a beginner (at whom this guide is aimed at), dodging torps (since they will
presumably do the DD thing and rush), firing on manual (assuming they just
switched) AND piloting a plane with precision can be a bit much methinks :)

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 11. 2005 10:45

"I just think its
a waste of time to be controlling it only for it to be shot down relatively quickly."

just dont fly over the enemy...

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 11. 2005 03:40

Oops, I appologize, you're right about the green/white hit thing... :P

Did they change that? I always though that it was your damage vs. other ppl's
damage... It seemed to make sense and everyone told me it was that... Odd. :)

Anyway, just to cover quickly on the scout plane. Yes - overall a scout plane is a
good idea, the only problem lies in the fact that the Agano will have a low level pilot
with a low level plane. This means then that your planes will be weaker than
everyone else's scout planes, which means that it is also very EASY to shoot down
that plane :) Granted, while its not necessarily expensive to replace it, I just think its
a waste of time to be controlling it only for it to be shot down relatively quickly. Once
you have higher level pilots - then yes, please use the scout by all means, but again,
this guide was oriented towards people who are just starting out, ergo weak planes.

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 11. 2005 03:00

A good guide. Just a correction and a few comments:

"Green numbers = hits that you yourself score on an enemy ship
White numbers = hits that other people score on an enemy ship (allies and enemies

green numbers = hits on the enemy's belt
white numbers = hits on the enemy's deck

The key to the agano is not to be hit. You're a big easy target with low dp and no armor.
I prefer using light ammo as range is your #1 weapon, not your damage. You must be a ninja
to use the agano, be able to strike without being seen is prefered, but ESPECIALLY not
getting hit. If you're getting hit by something that should have a shorter range than you,
you're in the wrong spot. MOVE. (Face it, a ca/bb will range you, nothing you can do about
that) Thats where speed comes in handy, if you screwed up and let a z99 too close and
can't outrun it, you're in trouble. Thats why you should keep some handy dandy DD's in
front of you at all times as well.

As for scouts...they are vital to your team winning. Don't use them solely to see what
you're shooting at, but also use them to see what could be shooting at you shortly if
you're not careful. (Think flanks, and ca/bb/cv) Those dd's in front of you are nice, but
what about that empty spot just south of you? Also, the agano is just a wonderful scout
platform. BB's and CV's NEED scouts to see their targets. 'Weak' bc's can destroy much
stronger bb's if the bc can actually see his target and the bb can't. HELP YOUR TEAMATES.
The quicker your team takes out the enemy bb/cv's the more likely you'll win, and also the
less ships that can range you, meaning you should live longer. (Besides its awesome team
creds $$woot$$)

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 11. 2005 02:21

should make this post to sticky...agree??

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 10. 2005 12:05

For those who play dd/cl cl only or cl ca like myself:

Only use light He, normal is a waste, not enough range. If you want harder hits, use
a combo of light and Heavy, when ships get close, press y to switch to heavy and
nail them.

As the poster of this topic points out, remember that your ship is not strong, if
possible try to keep an allied ship between you and the enemy at all times,
otherwise they will finish you in a few salvoes.

Do not engage the enemy one on one unless you are SKILLED. Otherwise you will
be completely obliterated. An agano can only come out on top if you are VERY good
with it and have good gunners, or it is a 2 vs 1.

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 10. 2005 11:50

Also, it is important to note, that - as many people have said - using an Agano will
only teach you how to be a better player.

It is EASY to take a good BB and then own players with Auto. It is difficult on the
other hand to use a crappy CL and still manage to get into the positive with XP and
creds. :)

The Agano (because its not so good) will teach you how to dodge torps with a CL,
how to outrun any CA, and how to trade fire without actually taking any.

Naturally, you will die LOTS of times till you get the hang of it, but its' worth it ;)

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 10. 2005 07:33

Well my point is (owner of 4 IJN BOs 42+):

Never use Agano, but this is too simple ;-)

If you want to use Agano few my thoughts.

Finder FCS. I dont know why every1 taking about aiming (a bit better spread). You
see much more. I tried once aiming @ Mogami and I was terrified. I barely can see
half way of my salvo, where with Finder I see whole way and a bit more (and I dont
need to use scouts to often, because I can see opponent sooner than he me). Of
course you need good gunners but ~30 lvl you should have two of them (+11 acc/rld)
. If you like to use trops. Train two torpers to 34 lvl and put 2 sets of triple 24"
M93M1. With 60 kts torps (HE dmg ~8030) you can badly hurt or destroy opponent. 1
TT mounting is not enough because opponent can easily evade them. If you play OpC
drop 7.9" and put triple 6.1"D - only 3.9 sec reload and you have 9 shells in salvo not

If you use 6.1" in normal battle remember to keep opponent between 50-55 degree.
This is range when 6.1" shells really hurt. Anything above 40 degree is High Angle
and hurt much more than hits below 40 degree. 6.1" N need some skill to use but in
CL1 game you can outrange all other CLs no matter what country. Playing Agano
need a lot of skill.

1st & Prime advice: KEEP DISTANCE.

Unfortunately I must say this: Any skilled Aki-Kai or Tsukikei player can obliterate you
with your Agano in few salvos (I did this many times with 5.5" HE light ;) ).

For shells: always use HE light (except OpC when you load HE heavy because range
is not needed and you need max fire power side by side). You need range since
you're often the weakest CL in team. Stay behind lines and use others as meat

Dont experiment with CV engine. You will lost 75% credits on resale.

  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 10. 2005 07:13

Good Job!

I may have to dust off the Agano I have sitting in port and try this out.

I stopped useing her when I realized i was wasting a lot of money. The Tseukei (sp?)
is a money making machine for me. I was headed strait to mog 39. But I will try this out
since I have hte ship setup close to this and see how it goes.

I am at lvl 37 so 2 lvls on agano may get me rdy for mog.


  • Re : The Agano Guide

    11. 10. 2005 06:40

Two questions...why HE over AP
HE does greater damage to ships with little armour (DDs, FFs, some CL1s) and does
more damage from a distance.
AP does greater damage to ships with more armour (like BBs, CAs, CL2s) and does
more damage from closer range.

between a hit on an enemy ship that gives green numbers and a hit that gives
white numbers? Or, big and small numbers. Ive noticed this and wondered what the
significance was.
Green numbers = hits that you yourself score on an enemy ship
White numbers = hits that other people score on an enemy ship (allies and enemies
Big numbers = critical hits, they yield experts and extra points
Small number = normal damage

I have a four turret DD and use AP in two and HE in two and see little difference.
I'm assuming you're using the Akitsuki :) What I would reccomend is doing this:
Depending on how much ammo you can carry with your current guns, equip the ship
as follows: 4:1 ratio of HE heavy to AP. Meaning, if you carry 8 rounds of HE heavy,
carry 2 rounds of AP. Pressing the Y button quickly switches the type of ammunition
around. Why? Well, if you encounter a CL, approach him relatively quickly because
they have the range advantage. Pound away at them with AP as fast as you can (in
most cases you will have almos twice the reload speed) Once the CL is down to say
30% of its health, switch to HE and continue pounding. Hopefully their armour will be
somewhat ruined by that point so HE will do more damage. For DDs and FFs, just
stick with HE ;) If you come across a tough armoured DD, switch to AP briefly.

Great write up on the Agano. Exactly what people like me need to see. Thanks.
Anytime :) Just be prepared for some rough time when in the Agano
1 2 3 4 5 6 7