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  • Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 01. 2007 15:56

There's a lot of duplicated stuff on these boards and it can be hard to find the one topic
that started it all or the one topic that was the best presentation of a given idea.

There's also a lot of people reading this who don't know to whom to give their daily
Recommend or which to bump.


1) Bumping properly: If you're bumping a really great suggestion and don't have
much to say, just reply to the topic and delete it. It will stay bumped and you will
not have spammed, thanks.

In other words, try bumping and recommending THESE topics if you want their requisite
ideas more likely brought to TNF and SDE's attention.

2) Small Note: Please DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS TOPIC. Recommend the topics linked here instead
or simply pick one on the forums you like that isn't listed here.

3) Big Note on List: I want to make this a really great list and I KNOW that I'm missing lots
of great suggestions so help me out here, guys.


CV Wishlist:

Supply ships:

Aircraft formation options:

Space in ship names:

Flagship powers:

M Project Remodel to C Project:

Cancel In-Progress Plane Launch:

Perpetual Game Mode:

Improved Trade System:

Hangar gun storage:

Anti-air plane kills tally:

Harbor Assault Practice Mission:

Overheat availability light:

New Veteran promotion system:

Awards and Medals:

Improving Sailor Rolls:

Giving IJN the 1st Restorer:

List of existing patch changes:


  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 11. 2007 21:34

I feel like recommending this just because I like the idea of making such a list.

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 11. 2007 00:48

Medals and Awards

Smedd's Vet System

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 10. 2007 23:31

And I agree. If you read my post on the second page, I state that the developers' refusal
makes no sense in terms of programming. The data size does not change nor would be any
lag from this feature being implemented. It's a button, some extra stored settings in the
shipyard (not in battle), and extra code. If you can get it unlocked before I am able to,
please do so.

8/11 Update: Added two topics from havoc_crazy below.

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 10. 2007 22:15

whee... my first mod deleted posting.

BTW, I find it funny that the locked thread I alluded to, is still locked but is now in
the notable topics list.

Just something to think about... just because a suggestion is old, does not mean it
isn't still relevent. And an old suggestion that is still earning recommendation might
be something the devs need to readdress even if they have said no in the past.
Rather than locking them, track them, show the devs that an issue has been around
a long time and the players would still like it considered.

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 10. 2007 01:44

I hope not. 2 more topics added but I'm holding off on the "BOOM UP WEEK NEEDED"
suggestion for the time being.

8/10 Update: Added "Overheat Recovery Light" suggestion link.

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 09. 2007 05:30

I though notable suggestions were just being locked now

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 08. 2007 23:33

Lets see how long (from now of course) it takes for any one of these to be implemented.

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 08. 2007 05:03

I don't even know why it was locked. The last reply is from a monitor who said that was
no point bumping since it was two years old. However, it's still a good idea and had lots
of recommends for a reason.

To be fair, the developers did vote this idea down on the grounds of increased data size
for each ship and thusly lag, but if you think about it, it's a pretty BAD developer
response since it doesn't add to the data size of the ship IN BATTLE, only POSSIBLY to the
ship in the shipyard since all you're doing is switching guns from a data file that just
records the name of other guns that were saved.

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 08. 2007 03:15

When you do get your mod cape and tights, can you unlock Blue's hanger suggestion, please?

  • Re : Notable Suggestion Topics List

    08. 08. 2007 00:11

I'm not a moderator.
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